
"The people who came in the ship you sailed in, may not be the same… as those, in the one… that departs (the company one keeps or attracts, tends to change… over time)…" – Michael Izuchukwu, 10:48 AM, on 2/21/23

Asymptotic aging tip #1:

“Between the age range of 28 to 33 (as an example), if you can envision yourself having a biological age that is aligned with ‘that’ chronological age (but '25 to 30 years, into the future')… and manage to harness ‘that sensation’… then you likely will experience asymptotic aging…” – Michael Izuchukwu, 11:41 AM, on 2/21/23

Age: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110...

>>> Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/) <<<

(diagram as of 8:57 AM, on 11/29/21)

"...the Spirit (Holy Spirit) takes precedence to the mind (intellect), which does the same... for the body (physicality)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:53 PM (2/16/23): 
"If you're in hell, there's a reason for that... ...and most of the time, 'the devil' won't save you..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:33 PM (2/16/23):
"If you don't 'genuinely believe'... then you (personally) have been abandoned..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Prayer is an aspect, of belief; if you don't pray... ask yourself, if you even know... what such implies... if you have, that degree... of initiative...

8:05 PM (2/16/23):
"Proof-based faith, is not genuine..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:04 PM (2/12/23): 
"Living life intrinsically, and not wasting such away... requires a certain level of clairvoyance, and a degree of intellect..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:42 PM (1/28/23):
"A man isn't the same man today, as he is tomorrow... just as he was different, yesterday... Two people may seem one way at present, but when reconvening in 10 years... one may find, that spacetime has either been kind or cruel... to each person..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:20 PM (1/29/23):
"The brain is a subset of the mind; the brain is subject to chemical influence, while the mind is guided... by the spirit (and governed by such)... The brain is a vehicle, of the mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu
A cadaver may have a brain, but such is not functional (such is not on)... and the mind has roamed, elsewhere...
[Residency Offer notice, juxtaposed with my Official Transcript (Rice University & Seton Hall)]


Where will you be, in the year 2392?

9:35 AM (1/17/23):
"No microscopic probe or X-ray machine is capable of peering into the innards of the atom, so physicists can only theorize what happens there based on the remains of high-speed collisions that take place in particle colliders , such as CERN's LHC..." (see article)
I believe the difficulty of ascertaining the extent, of the atom's complexity... is confirmation, that God the Father... designed the cosmos/universe, intelligently...

9:41 AM (1/17/23):
"Something about the nature of light, likely accounts for why electron microscopes do not have the capability of discerning an atom's interior... Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, for his discovery of the photoelectric effect... in 1921..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"But those who hope in the LORD, will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” – Isaiah 40:31

7:54 AM (1/17/23):
"...A man reaps, what he sows..." - Galatians 6:7 [if you are wondering why you are 'left behind' after the Rapture, and consequently being 'tormented' for eternity (at the hands of extraterrestrials, or some other form of malevolence)... then that is because you 'delighted in wickedness'... and will not inherit ('be eligible to partake in') the Kingdom of Heaven... due to your 'spiritual apathy' or lack of ethics] >>>>>>>"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are… and shall be tormented day and night… for ever and ever…" - Revelation 20:10

8:22 AM (1/17/23):
"How could 'the above' happen? Well, the Holy Spirit is humans' link to God [a function presently performed by Jesus Christ (God the Son) in the spirit realm, in the context of the Holy Trinity]... if one day one was to awaken, and be notified that an 'exceptional number' of humans had spontaneously vanished/dematerialized (inexplicably), then those 'left behind' had deficient spiritual fortification (the Holy Spirit was not within 'them,' sufficiently)... The Holy Spirit is what distinguishes humans from animals, regarding their respective 'spiritual proclivities/inclinations (the distinction between 'human civilization' and the Animal Kingdom/wildlife reality, in a sense)'... and in the absence of God's watch/protection... extraterrestrials would be more susceptible to getting readings ('detecting') human auras/chis..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Ask yourselves, why are the fireflies... attracted to lights, in droves...?

An 'unknown number' of humans, spontaneously vanish/dematerialize... in one's lifetime (or after such), via the event known as 'the Rapture'...

A 'divinely selected number' of humans, experience 'asymptotic aging (overlooked mortality)'... 
in one's lifetime (or after such), and stick around longer than the multitudes of humans... until the Rapture takes place (something which is analogous to 'the record' of Enoch, being taken by God... to heaven)...

10:53 AM (1/17/23):
"One may be compelled to believe, that there is a connection between the atom (and the subatomic)... and that which is very distant, in the cosmos (unknown galaxies and their stars, for instance)... Perhaps that is a sign from God the Father... that something within a human, is their connection... to that which is 'beyond' him/her... If this is so, the spirits of the righteous will attract 'the Spirit (which is of God, and heaven... in the context of the spirit realm/plane of existence)'... while the the spirits of the unrighteous, will attract 'greater, but lesser' spirits (which arguably are those, of extraterrestrials... who were not made in God's image - that of 'God, the Father')...

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female... he created them..." - Genesis 1:27
If you think in terms of 'overlapping circles,' then it makes sense... that the spirit of God, wards off 'greater, but lesser' spirits (repulsion)...

"If you don't know how to stay in your lane, I'll assume you can't drive..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"There are many tests in life, but life itself... is a test to see, what is done... with the given time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"In the 'eyes (context)' of the cross, my dad was nonexistent... in the capacity, of a father who aspired for a successor... via the spiritual, mental and physical example... he set... ...via the indoctrination, he provided..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:35 AM, 2/20/23) 
Aside from our mutual understanding of the importance of education, my dad was mute... on many matters...
9:38 AM (1/22/23):
"The days of our pre-lives were numbered, just as those... of life... If one thinks as those limited intervals, as each being 'negative (-)'... respectively... then there is credence that the afterlife, can be 'positive (+)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:40 AM (1/22/23):
"In terms of mathematics, two negatives cancel out when multiplied together, resulting in a 'positive product'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (-) x (-) = (+)

9:46 AM (1/22/23): 
"In relation to something infinite, something bounded could be thought of as limited (as in less, than something whole... and 'the negativity' is derived, from that difference)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:54 AM (1/22/23):

11:35 AM (1/23/23):
"It was moments ago, that the idea of there being a 'universal language' in heaven... occurred to me. Perhaps for those who are admitted after Judgment Day, Jesus Christ (God the Son) casts a 'veil' over the matriculants... which endows them with the knowledge, of such..." - Michael Izuchukwu
In the biblical introduction of the Tower of Babel account, in Genesis 11:1,[51] it is said that everyone on Earth spoke the same language, but this is inconsistent with the biblical description of the post-Noahic world described in Genesis 10:5,[52] where it is said that the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth gave rise to different nations, each with their own language.[2]: 26
(from above 'Wikipedia link')
(see #'s 54-56)
11:54 AM (1/23/23):
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God... all things are possible...” - Matthew 19:26
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is possible... with God..." - Luke 18:27

11:56 AM (1/23/23):
"God doesn't lie..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Does 'God the Father' deploy deceivers, on his own accord?

>>> Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/) <<<

5:39 AM (11/26/22):
"There are some people who possess intellect, that is indispensable... ...When such is aligned with a benevolent spirit and an efficient physicality, others may find that such an individual... has the potential, to defy... the conventional, and be revolutionary..." - Michael Izuchukwu (spirit, mind and body)
5:57 AM (11/26/22):
(gazing outside the window of my former apartment, at 9:27 AM... on 8/2/20)

"He who does not know, can become knowledgeable... through  learning ('nea onnim no sua a, ohu' - Akan translation)..."
7:25 AM (11/18/22):
"Be mindful of the company ('people') you keep..." - Wise Man
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything... better..." - Albert Einstein

5:24 PM (11/17/22):
>>> After watching this video, I arrived at the conclusion... that there is an indisputable correlation between mathematics and linguistics... ...and that based off one's familiarity with one's native tongue, some countries are like 'foreign lands' to those... of others... regarding prevailing cultures, and lifestyles...
"If you're lost, you seek to undo such... Those who 'are found,' are typically on an intended path... which they should not stray from..." - Michael Izuchukwu
“For all have sinned, and fall short… of the glory, of God…” - Romans 3:23
[after I left my former apartment in University City, MO (on 10/25/20)... my dad's Mercedes and Range Rover, were put in 'a storage'... I wonder who has been covering, that expense]
"Respect is not a gift; such must be earned..." - Michael Izuchukwu (there's a difference between 'being respectful,' and showing respect) 

"Don't presume to know where someone else has been, what he/she is going through... or what their values, are... given you're observing... and you're not the observer... ...that which is universal, takes precedence... to that, which is subjective..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Juxtaposition of me (at 1:35 PM, on 6/19/22), with Amara DiFrancesco in the past (within a stable)

7:30 PM (11/21/22):

“The question of whether one believes in God (in the context of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Trinity), is one that is denoted by a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer… …for the sake, of simplicity. Nevertheless, any genuine response… requires substantiation, and the track record of one’s actions… tends to corroborate, one’s convictions…” – Michael Izuchukwu

DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD (Contact) - YouTube 
(a resolute stance, is different... from a variable position)

[ https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/ ]

Ezekiel 25:17 & Acts 1:9


"A great man doesn't seek to lead... he's called to it..." - Duke Leto Atreides

Dune | Official Main Trailer - YouTube [what's to say (from a statistical standpoint) that the scenario depicted in 'this movie,' is not happening... '40' billion lightyears away... given that our galaxy has a diameter of 100,000 lightyears]

5:02 PM (11/15/22):

Gravitas: NASA discovers first planet outside Milky Way Galaxy - YouTube 

The 'observable universe' has a circumferential diameter, of approximately 93 billion lightyears


Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Sower - YouTube (2:29-3:23)


Extragalactic planet - Wikipedia


Are we alone in the universe? Here's what a top physicist says | Fox Business [regarding '36' exoplanets, which are those 'outside of our planetary system (the solar system)'... in our galaxy (the Milky Way)]

5:42 AM (11/15/22): "In the context of the aforementioned and from a statistical standpoint [given the nature of the stories, of Christopher Columbus (in 1492)... and Pocahontas and John Smith (in 1607)]... there indisputably is life... in 'other galaxies,' that could be characterized... as having a civilization..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A universe of 2 trillion galaxies (phys.org) [2,000,000,000,000 = '2 trillion']

NOTE #1: Each galaxy has on average, 'at least' 100 million (100,000,000) stars... and our sun, is just '1' of them

NOTE #2: '500 years ago or so,' there were people in Europe... who did not believe anyone was across the Atlantic Ocean, given that they thought the Earth was flat... Human understanding is subject to growth, over the centuries...

Men in Black - Bench Scene - YouTube 


Why NASA's new Jupiter images matter to space exploration - YouTube


John Nash's date with Alicia Lardè | A beautiful mind (2001) | Russell Crowe | Jennifer Connelly - YouTube

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather… a man of value…” – Albert Einstein


Analysis: There are many types of success (subjective), but 'genuine' value tends to be intrinsic (objective)

11:15 AM (2/27/23):

"There is a difference between objectivity (dealing with intrinsic interpretation) and subjectivity (variability/when things are subject to change, or difference)... One apple plus one apple gives you two apples; not three (objectivity is when this holds true; subjectivity is when... such does not). If this statement is not accurate, then that may be a matter of morality/ethics... as an 'interfering variable'... The mind is a subset, of the spirit... ... and is often, a reflection... of the latter)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Having a certain look may be an indicator of 'substance,' but does not guarantee such..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the cover of a book, does not encapsulate... the content)

Getting a tour of the South Orange Community Pool (12:11 PM, on 6/4/22) - YouTube

CURRENT: [voldy32 (u/voldy32) - Reddit]

RECENT (numbered in reverse order)
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them... the first time..." - Maya Angelou 
Analysis: People will not take you seriously ('undermined credibility'), if you have 'volatile character'...
(from the standpoint, of 'human, behavioral psychology')
LXST CXNTURY - NEVER EXISTED - YouTube [2:21-2:28 - a dude who looks like Abel Tesfaye ('The Weeknd') appears]

BLOG THEME SONG: Sleeping Beauty Waltz - YouTube (1:32-1:52)
(when I hear this song, I envision someone riding a bicycle... through the clouds)
(Seton Hall University Commencement, May 2015)

9:02 AM (10/1/22): "On my Couchsurfing profile, I formerly made the statement/hypothesis... that I was 'Michael the Darkangel (unknown date, but sometime between 2/13/20 and 2/21/20)'... and for some reason, I was compelled to revisit such... moments ago... On 8/10/22, I was self-proclaimed as the 'King of Darkness'... and today (52 days, or 7 weeks & 3 days later) such is refined, by the fact... that I am now 'Michael the Darkangel (successor of Michael the Archangel)'... in a 'more tangible' capacity..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
Statement/hypothesis (from Couchsurfing): 
"I am now Michael the Darkangel, and you will soon see my wonders, particularly if you are not in sync with the Holy Spirit... I answer to Jesus Christ, and when you depart from this world, you will see your Creator, and have to account for the extent of the inequities you have committed..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: I surmise that I will officially be the 'King of Darkness,' by the time... of the third self-proclamation

John Izuchukwu (@izuchukwu838) • Instagram photos and videos ('credible' Instagram profile of JJ/John Jr.)

KNOWING HOW TO ASK (2vocalizingconcerns.blogspot.com)


1. Tenochtitlan, Mexico (1998) 

2. Portland, Jamaica (Spring 2004)

 3. Galveston, Texas (Fall 2008)

4. Los Angeles, CA (Spring 2009)

5. Virginia Beach, VA (Summer 2019)

6. Long Branch, NJ (May 29, 2023 - Memorial Day)

NOTE #1:
Maybe when I was 'really young,' someone thought I was going to be a successor of Enoch (in the future)... based off my childhood years... and thus, 'that person' prompted my dad... to take 'our family' to Tenochtitlan, Mexico (I had gone horseback riding, there)

FOLLOWING THE THREAD (2skywalking48.blogspot.com)

NOTE #2:

When I was younger (middle school years, particularly), my dad used to often ask me, 'what are you doing'... when he would emerge from his office, in the basement (in our Chesterfield, MO, home)... There were '3' floors to the house, and he spent 'practically' all of his time... on that one (if he wasn't in the kitchen, or in his bedroom)...

Blood Diamond (3/4) Movie CLIP - A Good Boy (2006) HD - YouTube


3:03 PM (10/16/22): 
"Don't fuck with me (via cyber obstruction, when I'm on my laptop... or the airing of certain news advertisements, that could be perceived as irrationally antagonistic)... because people who have no souls, often fail... to recognize this, out of their own 'spiritual depravity... and ignorance'... ...there is no value, in having faith... in the faithless..." - Michael Izuchukwu (I have been entertaining this, daily... for quite some time)
If you're not intelligent, then you have only yourself to blame... when you are willfully ignorant, of intellectuals
...it doesn't matter what 'you think' 'is so (true), if such is not the case ('misaligned with objectivity, and reason')...
(for instance, when I am using Microsoft Word... the 'Word Count' tends to display differently, at the bottom-left of the screen... than when I click the 'Review' tab, and then 'that option'... from time, to time...

4:39 PM (10/16/22):
"...above is testimony, from Denis Vashurin*... ...in terms of 'asymptotic aging,' perhaps the standard time window... in which such is 'inclined' to begin... is 13 to 28, but such is usually contingent... on certain, preceding... 'homeostatic events'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Meet 32-Year-Old Man Who Looks Like A 14-Year-Old Boy — Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News (in the article, Denis is holding his phone... as though saying, 'don't let them know')

4:48 PM (10/16/22): 
"...a certain spirituality, likely accounts... for Denis' expedited experience, of 'asymptotic aging'... ...the Spirit (Holy Spirit) takes precedence to the mind (intellect), which does the same... for the body (physicality)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
If someone 'looks' really/relatively young, and seemingly is experiencing 'aging cessation'... then that likely is attributable to a 'particular spirituality,' given that there may be a correlation... between 'the Spirit,' and 'higher dimensions'...
...'aging cessation' is reflected, by a maintenance of physiological health (internal and external/homeostasis)
NOTE #2:
When the 'above' video was filmed, Denis was my present age (chronological age) of 32 - he will be 35, on October 27, 2022... Yet, his 'spacetime age' is arguably of a '13-year-old'... On 8/12/22, I had 'hypothesized and concluded' that my spacetime age... is '21 (see later in this document)'... 
...maybe Denis was researching 'aymptotic aging' indirectly, or innately doing that which was necessary... to fulfill this, about 2 years prior (age 11)... to when such 'was achieved'...
NOTE #3:
Regarding 'asymptotic aging,' my hunch is that for the process to be 'effective and enduring'... one must capitalize on the age range of 13 to 28, even though the process may be subject to initiation... in later years...


8:26 PM (10/16/22):

“A theory of mine, which I developed… moments ago... is that in the bible, the ‘144,000’ is in reference to a number of devout… followers of Jesus Christ (God the Son), who could be regarded as saints… The biblical event of ‘the Rapture,’ is characterized by the phrase ‘left behind’… but such is ambiguously interpreted, regarding what that entails… Some say such is a matter of being taken to heaven by God, while others do not… …perhaps, by chariots, or teleportation… I suspect such may be more counterintuitive, and that a credible possibility… may be linked, to the notion… that some people on this planet, will find a means… of connecting to the spirit realm (while in life, in the material realm), and that could be reflected by ‘defiance of spacetime’… which is arguably what ‘asymptotic aging’… is…

If this is so, perhaps of the ‘8’ billion people on Earth (as of November 15, 2022… according to the United Nations)… the bible is stating that approximately ‘144,000’ of them… will find the means, to ‘asymptotically age’…  

[“For all have sinned, and fall short… of the glory, of God…” – Romans 3:23]

The implication of this, is that such individuals would stick around for as long as is necessary… until ‘the Rapture’ transpires… in which God, takes them to heaven.

“Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God… nor does the perishable inherit, the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed - in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye… at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable… and we will be changed…” - 1 Corinthians 15:51

GIRL NEXT DOOR (Pete Yorn - Turn of the Century) - YouTube

[in the context of this passage, whether or not one faces a ‘natural death’… one will ‘awaken’ in the ‘afterlife,’ having a fate that is in accordance… with his/her sentencing… on Judgment Day (by Jesus Christ)]…

Sleeping has the implication, of 'awakening'...

I believe hell could literally be ‘on this Earth’… or another, in the context of the concept of ‘parallel universes’... or ‘ripples through spacetime,’ that alter reality... on this one…

The 144,000 in Revelation (lifehopeandtruth.com)

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

3:33 AM (10/17/22):

Arguably, in the 'above photo'... Denis is 'child-like'... if at age 32 (chronologically), he appeared to be '13 years old'... Nevertheless, a little child is characterized by a 'certain innocence'... with respect to the variables, of the spirit, mind and body...

I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. - YouTube



Drogon Rescues Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 - S05E09 - YouTube 



"An opportunity can present itself in many ways, and I have confirmed... that understanding..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 11:25 AM (9/29/22)

"There's something about mathematics, which is more than computative... given that such can be expressed... in varied, non-numerical ways..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:42 AM (10/1/22)
7:37 AM (1/7/23):
"My 'portable spacetime house (via the Vanguard Crossing apartment complex)'... is now on full display, here... I captured the moments (3/21/20-10/25/20), in such a 'time capsule'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There may be some significance in the transportation of '7 months,' as opposed to 13... given that a year has 12 months, prior to 'month overlap'... 
(in my 'weighted opinion', Daniel Larsen is potentially... a future Fields medalist)


1. Dr. Thea Kozakis 🌅 (@theakozakis) / Twitter

2. Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter

3. Rola Rabah (@belcher_dr) / Twitter

[ 4. Taha Harmache 🇺🇸 (@HarmacheT) / Twitter ]

Tweets of interest: 

a. https://mobile.twitter.com/HarmacheT/status/1578093970692788224?cxt=HHwWgMCild6GwuYrAAAA

b. https://mobile.twitter.com/HarmacheT/status/1576265119595581440?cxt=HHwWgMCq1cuxguArAAAA

Pilot - How We Met - YouTube (interesting video, featuring a dude... who looks like a 'very tanned Taha')


2021 OLYMPICS TRIPLE JUMP - PODIUM (2021tokyotriplejump.blogspot.com)


5. Charlie Dai (@Charlie_S_Dai) / Twitter

6. Clara Sousa-Silva (@DrPhosphine) / Twitter

about — CLARA SOUSA-SILVA (clarasousasilva.com)

7. John Berens, MD (@DocBerens) / Twitter

8. Ugo Nduaguba (@ugonduaguba) / Twitter

9. Sarah Frueh Bauer (@SJFrueh) / Twitter

NOTE: Via a laptop or desktop computer, you may have to click 'LOG IN'... and then go to the upper-left, and click 'X'... to keep scrolling through Twitter tweets (after a 'message window' appears)

“Some people walk down a path, while expecting to find fruits (of their labor)… and they don’t find any… A dream is a goal, with a deadline… but there is a difference, between dreams and goals… given that the latter, tend to be more practical… and one should always be mindful of which direction to move, if the need for a detour… arises…” – Michael Izuchukwu, 9:41 AM (9/25/22)


9:05 PM (9/28/22): "...something about change, over time..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

NOTE: How much change, and how much time... are variables, depending on the subject matter... 'Where' one was, and where one is... influences, where... one will be...


"...You know I didn't teach him 'that'..." - John Izuchukwu
[a photo of John & Michele Izuchukwu (my parents), from February 1, 2009... at a Ranken Jordan (pediatric hospital) event... to my understanding, my dad had been placed on its 'Board of Directors'...]

8:08 AM (10/1/22): 
"There is 'intrinsic value' in a life of humility and altruism, when one is governed... by a moral compass... Some dividends are not necessarily... 'monetary'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(...one should never compromise, one's integrity...)

Address: 11365 Dorsett Rd, Maryland Heights, MO 63043


Official Seton Hall University transcript (with some transferred credits, from Rice University):

NobelPrize.org (https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/lists/all-nobel-prizes-in-physics/)
[Michael Izuchukwu (vimeo.com) (https://vimeo.com/user182521030)]
(from left to right: Usain Bolt, Michael Johnson & Justin Gatlin)

9:46 AM (9/19/22):
"Only with 'genuine difficulty' can one enter the Kingdom of Heaven, via natural means... I surmise that Jesus Christ found a way, given He had formulated 'Matthew 19:24 (of the bible)'... but Jesus' arrival there was expedited, when His 'involuntary Crucifixion'... served as a catalyst, for His Resurrection... ...and 'Ascent'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
...'a daily commitment'... given that Jesus Christ's 'Ascent,' was assuredly attributable... to the 'compounding effect' of all the 'right steps' He had taken (since He learned of 'God the Father'), to complete that process...

"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock... and the door will be opened to you..." - Matthew 7:7

(is there a 'universal' language, in heaven...?)
Whether or not such is the case, that must mean something...
There are at least 6,500 spoken languages on Earth, and languages have a correlation to 'land' regions...
 "...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven'..." - Matthew 18:3

7:00 AM (9/21/22):
"It is my personal belief, that Jesus Christ ('God the Son') can pick up on frequencies, and such is a factor... that permits Him to ascertain... the 'positivity' of one's spirit (which will be an aspect of His deliberations, on Judgment Day)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
We know that mathematics is 'a' universal language, and is linked to rhetorical expression/word formulation... and linguistics
(Jesus Christ spoke the language of 'Aramaic'... His message and teachings, have been subject to global translations)

6:48 PM (9/22/22): "Albert Einstein formerly stated, that 'time is relative to the observer'... If such happens to be an illusion, then there is an implication that such passes differently... due to the variation, in the way... that people perceive such (how deeply, one relates... to 'the passing')..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:28 AM (9/8/22):
Gliese 357 d (GJ 357 D) is a 'Super Earth' planet, about 100 lightyears away... from Earth...
"Earlier this week, NASA announced the discovery of a possible Earth-like planet, located just 31 lightyears away... a 'hop, skip and a jump' in cosmic terms... that may be able to support life..."
The 'above' phrasing is of interest, given that the triple jump event... in athletics (track & field), is a 'hop, skip and a jump'... One wonders if there are microorganisms, on that 'planet outside our solar system' (the definition of 'an exoplanet')...
GJ 357 d is about 181.97 trillion miles away, in the context of there being about 5.87 trillion miles... in a lightyear (the distance that is covered, if one travels at the speed of light... for one year - the speed of light is about 186,000 miles/second... or nearly 300,000 kilometers/second)
...this planet was originally discovered, in 2019 (by Rafael Luque and Diana Kossakowski)...
...why did it take so long, to find GJ 357 d... given that things much further away (such as the Andromeda galaxy, which is about 2.53 million lightyears away from Earth)... have been detected, in space?
31 vs. 2,530,000
[juxtaposition of the contrasting distances (in lightyears) from Earth... to Gliese 357 d, and the Andromeda galaxy... respectively]

"No medicine can cure you, if you don't understand the definition... of insanity..." - Michael Izuchukwu (think about such, before seeing the end... of this document)

(Me smiling with my backpack, in South Orange, NJ... at 9:26 AM, on 9/5/22)

1:04 PM (9/29/22):

"The tragedy in a man's life, is what dies inside of him... while he lives.." - Albert Schweitzer

SPIRITUAL OPTIMIZATION (2skywalking47.blogspot.com)

Rice University (2008-2010)
Seton Hall University (2012-2015)
Eastern Virginia Medical School (2016-2019)
RESIDENCY LETTER (3whiz104.blogspot.com)

6:34 PM (10/16/22):
(front of my driver's license)
(back of my driver's license)
On 2/19/14, I got my driver's license for the first time... and this was a 'renewal'...

8:02 PM (9/16/22):

"If you get 'left behind,' don't ask 'me'... for help (I'll be gone)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (Michael 'God's Plan')


Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (lifewire.com)

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter 'www.izthewhiz32.blogspot.com'... to interact with the posted URL addresses, cellularly]


BLOG MOTTO: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results... If you don't correct your mistakes, refrain from repeating them... There is intrinsic value, in work ethic... and accountability...

"You know, you guys live... like you have so much time... ...life flies by fast..." - Lize Dzjabrailova, I don’t care if you don’t like me, you don’t even like yourself - YouTube (2:40-3:01)

"What could you do today, that would have greater 'intrinsic value'... tomorrow...?" - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:43 PM (9/7/22)

"At some point, one's yesterday's... outnumber, one's tomorrow's..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I never think of the future... It comes, soon enough..." - Albert Einstein

“People like us, who believe in physics… know that the distinction between past, present and future… is only a stubbornly persistent, illusion. Time, in other words… is an illusion. Many physicists since have shared this view, that 'true reality'… is timeless…” – Albert Einstein


How To Spot A Demon In Someone - YouTube

"The devil grows inside the hearts, of the selfish and wicked... ...white, brown, yellow and black, color is not restricted... you have a self destructive destiny, when you're inflicted…" - Immortal Technique

"...one devil, many demons..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Dance With The Devil - Immortal Technique - YouTube (4:52-6:48)


7:37 AM (1/7/23):
"My 'portable spacetime house (via the Vanguard Crossing apartment complex)'... is now on full display, here... I captured the moments (3/21/20-10/25/20), in such a 'time capsule'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There may be some significance in the transportation of '7 months,' as opposed to 13... given that a year has 12 months, prior to 'month overlap'...


Vanguard Crossing Apartments - 8342 Delcrest Dr Saint Louis, MO | Apartments.com


RESIDENCY LETTER (3whiz104.blogspot.com)


PROOF OF ADDRESS (8342 DELCREST DR., UNIVERSITY CITY, MO 63124), as of 9/21/20 at 9:22 AM:

AVvXsEizz5qI957VhImRC-ele7zXdxah4Fx5zd4SqozBJsOQrFV6ES8sa4BqvFFYtVuE22CovY6wloKnrV2UX0Xo2Kj0wPdAKJer3D4BOH0TrE2F_SbvY2MIpC6JSgUn-L82Xwp5iopFdESVzC8qjSnQ3ooloPh5GUslDEstX2kfyJlYY8svXAUq0mzQM8lu5w=s720 (720×536) (googleusercontent.com)

(Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael11739055) / Twitter)


“On any phone in the world with WI-FI capabilities, I can ‘enter (via 'memory-based mind traveling)’ my former apartment (at the Vanguard Crossing complex, in University City, MO)… I recently codenamed such as a ‘portable spacetime house (P.S.H.)’… which is accessible, via '3' primary mediums/links: a YouTube video URL address, my primary Instagram profile, and my Couchsurfing profile… I also have a database of the photos, comprising those 'products'... and my time there (3/21/20 to 10/25/20)... and due to their quality and rendering, simulating that ‘revisitation’... is feasible…” – Michael Izuchukwu

[ Recording of Couchsurfing Profile Photos (from 6/4/21) - YouTube ]


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yi0QyLtYNU

2. https://www.instagram.com/micolostud/

3. https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/mci-1


Emmit Fenn - 1995 - YouTube

Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) Shuffle Dance - YouTube

Coldplay - Clocks (Official Video) - YouTube



["Something about my 'portable spacetime house (P.S.H.)' makes me conclude, that the valuation is definitely in excess... of a 'physical phone'... regarding the compensation one ought to receive, for making such... ...assuming, such could be made for someone else. This is counter-intuitive, though, given the rendering would be from a 'third-person perspective'... and more impersonal...

...I will say, however, that a 'portable spacetime house' likely appreciates more over time... than a cellular phone..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 5:26 PM, 5/26/22]

(a silver, gold and bronze medal... from left to right)
"There's always a story, behind a presentation..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Requirements for a 'portable spacetime house':

1. Proof of address

2. The user is present, within the featured photos

3. A 'theme song' must be playing in the background

4. The interior and exterior of one's dominion, are featured... via various angles/perspectives

5. The user must show change over time, with respect to him/herself and the 'portable spacetime house'... which arguably requires being situated at such, for no less than '1' season (3 months)... and no more than '3' years (36 months)... There are many variables, which account for how much one changes within a given time window... and they can be lost, if the passage of time... is excessive...

NOTE: It's typically easier to gauge how one has changed, over the past 5 years... as opposed to the past 10 years (a decade)...

6. For the 'portable spacetime house' to be portable... such requires that one establish an 'external living quarters'... in the aftermath, of that investment... ...'for the sake of relativity,' given that the nature of P.S.H.'s is that they are 'quality dominions' which are volatile - arguably, they are not sustainable for long periods... and hence, there is the need for 'portability'...

7. P.S.H.'s can be filmed, with a 'smart phone's camera,' although it is arguable that one's 'filming work' tends to improve... with age, due to enhanced familiarity... with the nature, of 'spacetime'...

8. The development of a P.S.H. will likely require one to work with a large number of photos... The one featured above, consists of 53... but arguably, those were selected from at least 500... during the aforementioned 'time interval'...

9. "A 'P.S.H.' is not necessarily a house (such could be an apartment or condominium, for instance), but the rendering of such... gives off 'such an effect'... and is much more fiscally responsible, than some mansions...

10. "...a 'portable spacetime house', is gauged by one's physiological change... over time... which accentuates why such is in relation, to 'spacetime'...


7:37 AM (1/7/23):
"My 'portable spacetime house (via the Vanguard Crossing apartment complex)'... is now on full display, here... I captured the moments (3/21/20-10/25/20), in such a 'time capsule'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There may be some significance in the transportation of '7 months,' as opposed to 13... given that a year has 12 months, prior to 'month overlap'...

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=402997335131482&set=a.106480968116455)

Aftermath of getting hired for a behavioral contractor job (3:18 PM, on 4/20/22) - YouTube


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


princetonbrainspine (@princetonbrainspine) TikTok | Watch princetonbrainspine's Newest TikTok Videos


"In the context of the above, my estimation is that my ‘portable spacetime house’ has a minimal valuation of $1,100,000 (1.1 million)…


As of 11:02 PM on 9/8/22, my inference is that my 'portable spacetime house' is worth $2,300,069... Aside from 2.3 million, the additional $69 is allusion to the fact... that replicating that experience, would be challenging... in the context of many variables having to be aligned, to render such... successfully...

...the upper limit that I would estimate as the valuation of my 'portable spacetime house'... is $7,000,000... My dad was there for 7 years, and I was there for 7 months... but due to the fact that time is relative to the observer, and the nature of our respective activities (during that interval of time)... I would say that my time there was used as efficiently, as his first 5 years (2013-2018)...
...The initial 2 estimates were 'purely speculative,' in the context of my 'knowledgebase'... but some professional 'real estate gurus,' might infer... that $7,000,000 is a legitimate valuation of my 'portable spacetime house'... even though there are some who might deem such to be $10,000,000 (in the context of 'video aesthetics, caliber and energy expenditure')...
(odd 'video title')

Dragon Ball Super OST - Team Dragon's Theme [Anime Arc-V] - YouTube (5:02-6:23 is my favorite part)


…in the context of the aforementioned, I might as well close my eyes... and act like I ‘was retired (at some point)’… and am considering ‘working again’… in an alternative capacity, which is conducive for following a pathway in life… that promotes the optimization, of my ability… to live such, intrinsically…" - Michael Izuchukwu


How I Retired Early At 41 With $850K In Tennessee - YouTube


How I Retired Early At 49 With $1.3 Million In Ohio - YouTube (0:11-0:15)


New York City rent jumps are making people move out #Shorts - YouTube


Seton Hall University Turrell Manor 2 Bedroom Apartment Virtual Tour (vividmediany.com)


Tuition and Fees - Seton Hall University (shu.edu)


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz308) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


What Is Digital Real Estate? | The Motley Fool 


What Is Digital Real Estate? Five Things You Need To Know (parcl.co)

"There is a difference between digital real estate and real world, real estate... but a 'portable spacetime house'... is 'real world, real estate'... that is based off 'memory and experience,' given that viewership of such... via a medium, such as the 'above presentation'... is a revisitation of the past, in a manner that is conducive for simulating one's 'physical self' at such (that particular property)...

...nevertheless, creating a 'P.S.H.' does require foresight, skill, spatial awareness, aesthetic taste and versatility... in order for such to maintain a certain effect, years later..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 7:56 AM (8/24/22)

This Is the Calculus They Won't Teach You #SoME2 - YouTube

"If someone is 'operating' in a certain way (behavior/function-wise), then that would imply he/she must be relating... to a certain degree, of mathematical familiarity... in the context of 'Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete and formal)'... over the course of a human life...

...there is a link between 'language formulation,' and the way... a person perceives his/her reality" - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:28 AM (8/24/22)

Piaget’s Stages Of Cognitive Development (childandfamilyblog.com)


Join the Seton Hall University Alumni Book Club (pbc.guru)


Seton Hall University (shu.edu)


8:06 AM (8/19/22):

Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/741089835)

CAPTION: Video footage of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, preparing to enter the Kremlin (in Moscow, Russia)... in the past... (across the world, body language is a vital aspect of communication... and can be instrumental, for ascertaining 'cultural compatibility'... when contrasting languages, are spoken... amongst differing countries)


Russian Officials Propose Overthrowing Putin, Charging Him With Treason (msn.com)




7:48 PM (8/18/22): "Very interesting presentation, by Dr. Jie Shan (of Cornell University)... Around 1:01:20, there was mention of the Hubbard Model (which is utilized to denote a transition between conduction and insulation), and a quantum simulator... which I found intriguing... The nature in which such was rendered, instills within me the notion... that her form was subject to 'encryption'... given the complexity, of her discussion..." - Michael Izuchukwu

FRONTIERS OF LIGHT - Talk by Dr. Jie Shan (Cornell University) - YouTube


Jie Shan, Cornell University, USA - YouTube (another presentation, characterized by my hypothesis - perhaps the intent of Jie Shan's face being miniaturized, and situated atop the head... of another female... is to convey the notion, that the complexity of the subject material... is borderline 'extraterrestrial,' regarding the preliminary understanding... which precedes feats, as complex... as 'galactic departure')

9:37 PM (8/18/22): "I recall having first been confronted with the subject of 'Zeno's Paradox,' during the first week or two... of my freshman year, at Rice University (in the Fall of 2008)... when I had enrolled in a class known as Physics 111, before switching over to Physics 101 (after the first homework set, proved to be a potential indication... of the nature, of subsequent ones)... Personally, I believe that in Asian culture... it may not be unconventional, for a number of the constituents... to relate to this concept, regarding a 'devotion to efficiency'... I suspect there is a correlation between such, and the concept of 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Zeno's paradoxes - Wikipedia


NOTE: On a desktop or laptop computer, you have to 'right-click' after clicking a link (with the cursor)... in order to open such, in a 'new tab'...

"I went to Chipotle for 3 days in a row (7/28/22, 7/29/22 and 7/30/22)... by traversing the long path, that is present... between Newark Broad St. station (in Newark, NJ) and the Chipotle near Rutgers University (and the return trip)... As of today (8/1/22), I believe I have developed some kind of food-based, muscle memory... given that moments ago, I had entertained the idea of making that trip again (sometime in the near future)... but quickly concluding that the need for such (for me), is not as great now... as it was, 4 days ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 5:03 PM (8/1/22)

Relevant links: Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz303) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos (https://www.tiktok.com/@whiz303)

Newark Broad St to Chipotle Mexican Grill - Google Maps (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Broad+Street+Station,+University+Avenue,+Newark,+NJ/Chipotle+Mexican+Grill,+222+Market+Street,+Newark,+NJ/@40.7411113,-74.1762873,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c254874ee28589:0xa8a76c74b094944d!2m2!1d-74.1719231!)

"...I wonder if my middle brother, JJ, can traverse 'that' distance (round-trip of 2 miles), just once... Such is a test, I would like to see... given that '1' lap around a track, is 400 meters... and there are 4 laps (1,600 meters) in 1 mile..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 5:24 PM (8/1/22)

[from the 'About' section, on my primary Facebook profile]

"My Couchsurfing profile [conjoined with my primary Instagram profile (micolostud)] is my house (where I can access memories, from my mind)... and I pay the 'mortgage'/fee ($2.39/month or $14.29/year)... Every now and then, I leave my dominion... to visit such (I have 2 keys for my house; the one for my Couchsurfing profile (the front door) is a '33' character password, while the one for my Instagram profile (back door) is a '32' character password... 

Minimum password length (Windows 10) - Windows security | Microsoft Docs 


Password strength - Wikipedia 

Diceware - Wikipedia

One can walk in one's mind, as opposed to strictly... one's body (if one is imaginative)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Imagination is more important... than knowledge..." - Albert Einstein

"The Holy Spirit (spirit) takes precedence to the intellect (mind), which does the same... for the physicality (body)... regarding intrinsic value...

...Knowledge is power, but imagination... is significance..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Emilia Clarke tries to speak like Americans 😆😆 - YouTube &

Drogon Rescues Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 - S05E09 - YouTube

The vibe of this scene, from 3:48-4:56... could be thought of as encapsulating this biblical passage (regarding Jesus Christ, walking on water... and talking to Peter):

"And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him... and said unto him, ‘O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt'…?" – Matthew 14:31


"If you believe in God, then you have nothing to lose... but if you don't, you have lost everything..." - Blaise Pascal

"It is not enough to say you believe in God, if your actions in life... do not substantiate that affirmation... There is a path that must be taken, for those who seek to 'naturally progress' towards heaven.... We know this is so, because Jesus Christ was the first... to traverse such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

What one should seek to know, is the genuine process for getting to heaven… given that Jesus Christ went through this, even though such was expedited for Him… via His Crucifixion…

[Giving us a hint of Jesus’ specific living quarters, Luke 9:57–58 records this exchange: “As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.’” This seems to indicate that Jesus owned no home and had no property of His own. No doubt He stayed with friends from time to time as a guest, as He did with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in Bethany outside of Jerusalem (Luke 10:38). Also, He and the disciples may have simply camped wherever they were, as He carried on an itinerate ministry. Claims that Jesus was a rich man (and that He wants all of His followers to be rich as well) are simply not supported by the biblical evidence.] – see: Where did Jesus live? | GotQuestions.org

Living In A Closet In College - YouTube

“Around 3:40 PM today (7/3/22), the notion that one must have great efficiency… in order to get to heaven, occurred to me… Such makes sense, in the context of ‘Matthew 19:24’ of the bible (see: CLIMBING THE STALK: ONE STALK LEADS TO ANOTHER (2malachy71.blogspot.com))… One should think of oneself as vehicle, and the objective is to get to heaven… via taking the right steps, in relation to one’s spirit, mind and body… and in the context, of the ‘Word of God’… To traverse a path, several steps… must be taken, and they have to be the right ones… otherwise, one will go astray…” – Michael Izuchukwu

Lazarus Is Raised from the Dead - YouTube

“My Kingdom is not… of this world...” – John 18:36 (according to Jesus Christ)

My response: "Of which world is such of, then... my Lord..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"..." - Jesus Christ

..."I don't like the number 87 (for some reason)... and I'm sorry, if you (whoever you may be) disagree... I assume you can't read..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Astrology is a pseudoscience..." - Carl Sagan

"The last 'discernible time' I posted a video to social media (Facebook), regarding Carl Sagan... was on 12/25/10 (Christmas 2010)... with the caption, "Do you really think that I can read your mind...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
(I had indicated on that former profile of mine, that I was an 'astrochemistry major' at Rice University. I had been proposing such, at the time)
“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’…” – Matthew 7:22-23 (according to Jesus Christ)

“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars - they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death…” – Revelation 21:8

"Interesting it is, that the radio burst... from a galaxy, about 1 billion lightyears away... lasted '3' seconds (regarding the 'above video')... Such is about 395.2569 times further away, than the Andromeda galaxy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"If you actually traveled that far, to reach the galaxy where the signal emanated from... you'd probably be surprised... Such was in the form of a 'pulsing heartbeat,' with a duration about 1,000 times longer than typical radio bursts... and was repeating, with a pattern. The trip would likely be one-way, if you could travel through a wormhole (lightspeed, of 186,000 miles/second... would take 1 billion years)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Maybe Jesus Christ ('3 syllables') is there... just visiting..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"...what's the name of that galaxy (is there a reason for the omission)...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
6:46 PM (7/15/22): "Interesting it is, that this blog was initially written on 7/21/21... In 6 days, it will have been 1 year... since then... nevertheless, I transferred my blogs over to one account, for the sake of efficiency... and had to re-upload... Given that the reupload was made on 1/5/22, which was 6 months and 10 days ago... either way you look at this, the integers '6' and '1'... are of significance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Truth is stranger, than fiction..." - Mark Twain (sometimes)


"A photo of me, exactly 14 years ago... on 7/31/08 (apparently, at 10:06 PM). The photo was snapped with a digital camera of mine, at the time... and I had been sitting in my room, of the house I had lived in (from elementary school, till I went off to Rice University... in the Fall of 2008)..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:48 AM (7/31/22)
14.40-meter (47'3") triple jump high school record:
Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records (athletic.net) (https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/SchoolRecords.aspx?SchoolID=11740) 



(a woman, attempting to say she wears a 'fake face')



You don’t like yourself? Create a new version of yourself - YouTube


SUPERHOUSE - architecture & interiors beyond the everyday - YouTube


“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other… Ye cannot serve God, and mammon…” – Matthew 6:24

"Please enter..." - House

[imagine a small man (in relation to this house) approaching such, wearily... as though to take refuge... In a sense, the house (if such had thoughts) would be thinking, 'you've worked for me, for years... as opposed to on yourself']
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple, of the Holy Spirit… within you… whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God, in your body…” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (according to Paul, the Apostle)

Home | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)

"I was at my former dominion, for 7 months & 4 days... Nevertheless, it was not until July 2020 or so ('3' months in), that I truly felt acclimated... to such... and began 'assembly'... in the context of my journey, since March 2019...)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

6:23 PM (8/9/22): "Moments ago, I began contemplating about how 'God, the Father ('Alien God,' as in 'of extraterrestrials')'... perceives human beings... I concluded that such is naturally in an 'ugly way,' and such is the reason why Jesus Christ ('Human God')... is the intermediary... between 'him' and humans... Evidently, humans are 'unworthy'... in the presence of 'God the Father'... unless they have been walking in the ways, of Jesus Christ... for so long, that Jesus Christ's 'heavenly Father' intervenes, in some capacity (via having some effect, on the life... of 'the human, of interest')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

Three Things to Think About (regarding the prior paragraph):

1. Why did God the Father, create heaven (and hell)?

2. When Jesus Christ was a teenager, surely He had questioned who His 'heavenly Father' was... one wonders, what Jesus thought about... in his freetime, prior to when He had performed several miracles...

3. Imagine the difficulty of being in a world, where there had yet to be a demonstration... of someone 'ascending' to heaven... and what kind of willpower, was involved... regarding the realization, of that ideal... given that Jesus had to lead by example...

Jesus Is Scourged and Crucified - YouTube


“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast…” – Ephesians 2:8-9 (regarding this verse, such has been in reference to 'God the Son (Jesus Christ)'... but I have wondered if an angel, once said such...)


The implication here, is that had it not been for God's grace... humans would be at the mercy, of something... of an 'unknown nature'...


"For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only begotten son… that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish… but have eternal life..." - John 3:16


8:48 PM (8/9/22): "In the context of the Holy Trinity, God is the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"In the summer of 2019, I stopped by the Mercedes Benz car dealership... of Virginia Beach, VA... having had interest in acquiring a vehicle. I had been working at the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, in May and June of that year (night shifts)... and doing some work on the campus of Eastern Virginia Medical School (in Norfolk, VA)... at Hofheimer Hall, and the Brickell Medical Sciences library (regarding otolaryngological procedure)... It was after a staff member at EVMS, had indicated there was an interruption in the work I was doing there (resulting in me being directed to University City, MO, where my dad had been... at the time)... that I eventually realized (via a mutual associate of my dad's, whose name I cannot recollect)... that of the 3 cars my dad had had, when I was growing up (dark blue Range Rover, black Mercedes and silver BMW), that the BMW was missing/confiscated (no later than the spring of 2020)... Thus, I felt as though getting one of these vehicles for myself... would be an indication to my dad, that I was 'independent'... in the context of his 'high regard' for 'quality cars'... I ultimately went to cohabit with my dad, at my former apartment complex (Vanguard Crossing)... from March 2020 to October 2020 (an interval of time, in which my EVMS funds had been utilized... as opposed to on one of the car dealership vehicles)... My dad had indicated that he was having financial difficulties, which may have accounted for the interruption in my work... in Norfolk, VA. We had reconnected via cellular exchanges, after there had been a hiatus from them... following 8 months of chats on the phone (from April 2018, to December 2018), after having not spoken... since 2011 (when my parents divorced)...


gonein40 - Wireclub (https://www.wireclub.com/users/gonein40)

shadowdancer333 - Wireclub (https://www.wireclub.com/users/shadowdancer333) 

 (Annie Mongiello - Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner - Mindbloom | LinkedIn)

vdark - Wireclub (https://www.wireclub.com/users/vdark)


Elizabeth, NJ's Extended Stay America hotel (immersive replay/simulation), 2/4/22-2/5/22:

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz305) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

For efficient physiologies, such simulations can substitute... for subsequent visitations...

"Anyone is welcome to attempt making a comparable simulation for themselves, at any hotel... but such can be more difficult than one may surmise, given that such requires great foresight, great 'hand-eye' coordination, timing and panoramic navigation..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz307) | TikTok

[features a 'summary' of Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz539) • Instagram photos and videos)]


Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


1. Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

2. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz298) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

3. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

Ron | Business and IG Coach on Instagram: “What’s your thoughts on this?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Do you agree or disagree?⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I highly recommend you follow 👉🏽 @wealthtrendz to get the best content…”

***4Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz303) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

5. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz306) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

6. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz308) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

7. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

8. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz311) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos 


9. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz314) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

MENU: Find 'michael izuchukwu' on TikTok | TikTok Search (arguably, my TikTok accounts are like 'visual-based' videogames... that are 'non-controller'... due to their revisit/replay value)


DIMENSIONAL BEING QUEST – I seek to impart wisdom, on those who seek such…


1. https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125 (primary)


1. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035663284697 (primary) 

2. https://www.facebook.com/Michael.izuchukwu.904

3. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075871800756 

***4. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077390934783

***5. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078137605644 

***6. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086905242376  

***7. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087154521258

***8. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087609483660


1. Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10153568981515607&set=ecnf.852150606)

Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing (https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/mci-1)

Press CTRL+F (on a desktop or laptop computer), to search the text... for 'key terms,' such as names, places, dates and etcetera...


ACTIVE: Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz544) • Instagram photos and videos

***1Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud) • Instagram photos and videos

***2Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz534) • Instagram photos and videos

***3. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz535) • Instagram photos and videos

***4. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz536) • Instagram photos and videos 

***5. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz537) • Instagram photos and videos 

***6Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz539) • Instagram photos and videos


(view these Instagram profiles, from the bottom-up... for 'chronological order')


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz534) • Instagram photos and videos (https://www.instagram.com/p/CeUK9odJ99X/)

1. magnus carlsen - Google Search

2. samantha maltais - Google Search

"People" vs. "resources" (msn.com) (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/people-vs-resources/ar-AAYYrD4?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=50816d3150434fb69fc7f9ef590d3769) &

The use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies is linked to worse coping during the first year of the pandemic (msn.com)

Four Years Promo - Olympic Triple Jump Champion - Christian Taylor - YouTube

#24: Ugo Nduaguba - From Nigeria to the USA, How Crypto Changed His Life? - YouTube


1. MICHAEL IZUCHUKWU – Medium (https://podschike.medium.com/) 

2. Michael Izuchukwu – Medium (https://medium.com/@podschike32/wedding-ceremony-32-years-ago-520f33d3e604)

3. Michael Izuchukwu – Medium (https://medium.com/@podschike33)

(Photo from 6/7/21, of my Ascendant NY scrubs which I had worn, at the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital... in Norfolk, VA... in the summer of 2019... I had done work in an emergency room there, on the night shift... and some administrative duties)

12:25 PM (3/31/22):


WEBSITES (personal)


***1. RESIDENCY LETTER (3whiz104.blogspot.com)

***2VIDEOS, CAPTIONS, ARTICLES, ADVICE, DIET - BLOG #1 (vcplaces.blogspot.com)

***3BLOGGER-TWITTER #1 (bloggertwittermci1.blogspot.com)

***4VIDEO NARRATION, OF THE KING OF DARKNESS (starway32.blogspot.com)

***5. IN THE CLASSROOM (setonhallgrad2015.blogspot.com)

*6SEEING FURTHER (eyewindows69.blogspot.com)

***7. FOLLOWING THE THREAD (2skywalking48.blogspot.com)

8. WEIGHT TRACKING - HOW LOW DO I GO? (weighingforapurpose.blogspot.com)

9. INSTAGRAM LINKS: WHIZ534 (iwonder69.blogspot.com)

***10. QUESTIONING THE UNKNOWN (2malachy73.blogspot.com)

11. MANY OCEANS NO. 2 (ladder112no2.blogspot.com)

12. QUESTIONS OF THE YOUTH (thingsisee112.blogspot.com)


14. INSTAGRAM SUPPLEMENT (mealportfolio112.blogspot.com)

15. DAD'S DEBT (pinecreekmortgage.blogspot.com)

***16. KNOWING HOW TO ASK (2vocalizingconcerns.blogspot.com)

***17. VIDEOS, CAPTIONS, ARTICLES, ADVICE, DIET #2 (2vcplaces.blogspot.com)

18. 2021 OLYMPICS TRIPLE JUMP - PODIUM (2021tokyotriplejump.blogspot.com)

19. COUCHSURFING SUPPLEMENT (cs929.blogspot.com)

20. TEXTS WITH JJ: READING BETWEEN THE LINES (textwithjj31022.blogspot.com)

21. THE FOUNTAIN OF HOPE (2pods89.blogspot.com)

22. IMPLICATIONS OF THE AFTERLIFE (whathappensthen11.blogspot.com)

23. OF THIS WORLD, AND OTHERS (adateinthefuture.blogspot.com)

24. SOMEWHERE OUT THERE (starforests.blogspot.com)

25. SAW WHAT WAS (2seenandseeing.blogspot.com)

26. MINDING THE MIND (memoryjog32.blogspot.com)

27. CLIMBING THE STALK: ONE STALK LEADS TO ANOTHER (2malachy71.blogspot.com)

28. PUZZLE PIECES (beginnings74.blogspot.com)

29. OPEN DOOR (2malachy72.blogspot.com)

30. DIFFERENT LIGHTS (darkcandles7.blogspot.com)

*31. A NEW HORIZON SUPPLEMENT: CELLULAR DISCOURSE (settingsoon.blogspot.com)

32. AFTERLIFE SUPER PLANNING (alsmw54.blogspot.com)


34. MAKING A LIVING (2pods85.blogspot.com)

*35IF YOU MET 'TOMORROW,' TODAY (whyhouse69.blogspot.com)

***36. SAVED POSTS (twitter.com/Michael11141357), (featuring TIKTOK, YouTube videos and commentary) (twittertally.blogspot.com)

*37. ONCE UPON A CATALYST (otherhome112.blogspot.com)


39. CORRELATION AND CAUSATION (greenshirt8.blogspot.com)

40. NATIONAL MERIT FINALIST AWARD (nmfscholar2008.blogspot.com

***41. COUCHSURFING PROFILE FINDINGS (csurf32.blogspot.com) 

42. SNAKE WAYS OF SPACETIME (a diary) (snakeway11.blogspot.com)

43. AFTER THE TRAIL END (unknowncolors0.blogspot.com) 

***44. TWITTER-INSTAGRAM (Blogger), whiz544 (continued) (izu365.blogspot.com)

>>>Interesting blog, for those curious about the means of ascertaining... the degree, of 'extraterrestrial interference'... humans may presently be experiencing...

***45. MAKING THE DAYS COUNT (beginnings77.blogspot.com)


47. AT SOME POINT IN TIME (hoursofourdays.blogspot.com) 





3. SNAP-SCROLL #2 https://www.facebook.com/Michael.izuchukwu.904 (tumblr.com)


5. UPDATES: NEWS & FOOD (videos & articles) (tumblr.com)


7. AWAITING THE DAY (tumblr.com)


9. LIVING & BEYOND: CONTINUATION #2 (tumblr.com)

10. SUPER SCROLL #1 on Tumblr


1. Michael Izuchukwu (11TJK11) - Profile | Pinterest

2. Michael Izuchukwu (WHIZ777) - Profile | Pinterest

3. Michael Izuchukwu (podschike) - Profile | Pinterest

4. Michael Izuchukwu (WHIZ32) - Profile | Pinterest


7:06 AM (5/21/22): "Moments ago, I began to contemplate about the basis for why people get married... and the significance of such. My parents divorced in 2011, after being wed for approximately 22 years... but I don't believe either of their motivations for such, were genuinely justified. The act itself, could be thought of as two soulmates seeking to refine each other's lives... over spacetime, after taking vows before God... to honor their commitments... It's best to get thoroughly acquainted with someone, before concluding that one should do so... in the aftermath of marriage, to deter discord... There are many forms of companionship... given that humans are social creatures, and lonely roads... have varying manifestations... Ultimately, a soulmate should be a friend..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1. Believe in God in 5 Minutes (Scientific Proof) - YouTube &

2. https://youtube.com/shorts/tB-0oWBuK7A?feature=share (dude walking down a straightaway, in many different ways) 

"All truly great thoughts are conceived, while walking..." - Friedrich Nietzsche

10:59 PM (5/21/22): "After watching the following video, I realized that even though I have the spirit and presence of mind, for such... regarding physicality, I would have to have 'Jesus frequency'... to achieve the results, I desire..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Top 10 triple jumpers of all time (men) - YouTube


1. Are you sure you didn’t fake your education?

2. Aside from watching TV and using the computer, what do you in your free time....? ...given that you're usually 'home alone'... when mom is not working at Walgreens, at the place where you two cohabit...

3. Have you ever had any contact with any of your friends, from the University of Pittsburgh… where you were admitted in 2010, ever since your dismissal from there… prior to your intended graduation from that institution, in 2014?

4. Did you make any friends at Montclair State University, where you attest to have finished your undergraduate curriculum… as of the Spring of 2022?

5. What types of employment have you had, in the past 5 years (aside from the one at South Orange, NJ’s Trattoria restaurant… and a window cleaning job?

6. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070693712570 -

..."the Facebook profile of JJ/John Jr. (John Izuchukwu)... my middle brother, who turns 31... on 9/4/22...
...my vibe right now, is, 'JJ, it's been '4' years or so... since we had any face-to-face, legitimate conversation... do you understand the implications, of what I just said'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:08 AM (8/2/22)


1. Dr. John & Michelle Izuchukwu and guests | Ranken Jordan's C… | Flickr

2. Dr. John & Michele Izuchukwu | Dr. John Izuchukwu recently j… | Flickr

3. John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, PhD, MBA, PE, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who (24-7pressrelease.com)

4. John Izuchukwu - Core Devices Inc. - Accidents / Injuries / Safety Expert Witness (expertpages.com)

5. John Izuchukwu - Death Notice- The U.S. Will Registry (theuswillregistry.org)

6. EV_protective-wear-part-2.pdf (elsevier.com) (#165)

7. John Izuchukwu email address & phone number | Structured Analytics Chief Executive Officer contact information - RocketReach

8. John IZUCHUKWU | President and Chief Executive Officer | Core Devices, Wildwood | Research and Development (researchgate.net)

(my dad's dad died, 'a few months' before he arrived in America... to attend school, at the University of Portland)


A photo of my dad, from his college years… at the University of Portland… 

see: john izuchukwu university of portland mathematics - Google Search

My dad, John Izuchukwu, was cited in the Mathematics Department… of the University of Portland (in this link). He was a college student there, from 1976-1980... 

Press CTRL+F (on a desktop or laptop computer) to search 'John Izuchukwu'...


1. Rice University (2008-2010)

2. Seton Hall University (SHU) - Seton Hall University (2012-2015) 

Schools and Colleges - Seton Hall University (shu.edu) 


IN THE CLASSROOM (setonhallgrad2015.blogspot.com)

3. Home - Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), Norfolk, Hampton Roads (2016-2019) & 

PROOF OF ADDRESS (8342 DELCREST DR., UNIVERSITY CITY, MO 63124), as of 9/21/20 at 9:22 AM (proofofaddressevms.blogspot.com) &

Indeed Resume (https://my.indeed.com/p/michaeli-kmp88h5/)


"I was born on November 2, 1989 at 11:46 PM... in Newton, Massachusetts... Every human enters this world, at a certain time, on a certain day, of a certain month, of a certain year... in a certain place... As of late, I am under the impression that there are those... who were unaware, of these specifics..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:28 PM (7/11/22)

"There's a reason for birthday parties..." - Michael Izuchukwu
About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)

8:30 PM (6/8/22): "Regarding the prior link, I see myself as an Egyptian American (which technically is an African American, given that Egypt is in Africa)... that has a Middle Eastern bent/disposition/inclination/influence... In several countries of the world, there is a varying degree of diversity... regarding demographics.

2:43 AM (7/13/22): "...in terms of my phenotypical appearance ('how one appears, from an ethnic standpoint'), I have been told that such is relatable... to that of a 'Jamaican Iranian'... My parents ('the ones who raised me'), were born in Jamaica and Nigeria (mom and dad, respectively)... but if anything, my physical appearance has ties to that of my mom... as opposed, to my dad. I have related to my mom, on an emotional level... throughout my childhood and adolescence... while with my dad, such had always been strictly about... our mutual understanding, of education's significance... After my parents divorced in 2011, arguably... their respective demeanors, changed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

...One's name is expressed differently, in certain languages... when written (due to different alphabets). My curiosity led me to recently learning, that my full name of 'Michael Chike Izuchukwu' is spelled as (in Persian):

مایکل چیکه ایزوچوک

"My analysis of the text (in relation to the English language), is that I see an 'S,' three 'U's,' 'G,' 'K,' and an 'L'...

I am curious as to why '3' U's' are discernible in my full name (regarding my 'last name'/surname of 'IZUCHUKWU') and that of such, when written in Persian... perhaps the repetition of the letter, 'U,' 3 times (regarding 'geometric shape')... in both the English and Persian language... is of 'linguistic significance'... ...language formulation is linked to 'mathematics'...

In terms of the system of 'English gematria,' the letters, 'S,' 'U,' 'U,' 'U,' 'G,' 'K,' and 'L' could be represented as the numbers 19, 21, 21, 21, 7, 11, and 12... which add up to '112,' which happens to be the integers (numbers) of my birthdate, in 1989 (November 2, 1989 or 11/2/89)... I find that quite intriguing, and surely... such is not coincidental..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:15 AM (2/12/23): 

"Growing up in Chesterfield, MO (3rd grade - 12th grade) and prior (when I lived in Loveland, Ohio)... and before that, when I used to live in Framingham, Massachusetts... I lived in primarily suburban, residential areas... I always viewed myself as someone with ties to Egypt, until such finally was disclosed and affirmed to me... in December 2018, by my dad [after we had spoken for 8 months, following 'nearly' 7 years of silence (in the aftermath of my parents' divorce) - May 2011 to April 2018]... Aside from being of Egyptian descent, I have concluded (in the context of Egypt being a country in Africa)... that I just happen to be a person of African descent, with a subtly Middle Eastern phenotype... which is why during my childhood and adolescence, I never viewed myself as being black (in the context, of stereotypes for demeanor/mannerisms and attitudes)... although I did see myself, as being African American (a person with relatives, who have a connection... to Africa)... As a child, I watched the Dragonball Z TV series... fervently... which likely inspired some of my track and field performances, from elementary school... and through high school (and 'for a time,' at Rice University)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Eyes are Windows to the Soul - Bible Verses and the Biblical Meaning of Eyes (biblestudytools.com) &

UPDATES: NEWS & FOOD (videos & articles) — Rice Owls (tumblr.com) &

Usain Bolt tribute by Michael Johnson [Subtitles added] - YouTube &

From Greene to Bolt to Jacobs: the fastest men of the 21st century so far | NBC Sports - YouTube &

I love my mix 🥰 #fypage #fyppp #mixedrace #jamaican #iranian #foryourpagе #tiktok #tiktoktrend &

Even a $1 million race couldn’t end the Michael Johnson and Donovan Bailey beef - YouTube (when I was a child, I thought of track and field... as a battleground, that simulates the animated TV series of 'Dragonball Z') &

Goku VS Cell - The good part - YouTube &

Michael Johnson: Survival of the Fastest - YouTube &

Q&A of a Med Student Feat. Kaur Beauty - YouTube - In this video, a male and female of 'Middle Eastern' background... are featured, although there is great diversity... regarding the groups, within that category... Some people are 'ethnically ambiguous,' and the female in this video... seems 'Indian'... but even that, in itself... is ambiguous... given there are different types, of Indians...

DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?! CHALLENGE Ft My Brother | KaurBeauty - YouTube

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz306) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


Coincidentally, in the system of gematria... 'Middle Eastern Egyptian' could be thought of as the acronym 'M.E.E.' ..., which has a gematria value, of '13-5-5'. These numbers could be also thought of as '13-55,' when looking for apparent, consecutive '2-digit' integers... adding to the number '68,' which is alluded to... by today's date, of 6/8... of 2022..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:47 PM (6/8/22):

Hercules: Go The Distance | Sing-Along | Disney - YouTube

1. Louis Chen - Assistant Professor of Operations Research - Naval Postgraduate School | LinkedIn

CV - Louis Chen (louislchen.github.io) (https://louislchen.github.io/cv/)

2. Michael Sebek - Postdoctoral Researcher - Northeastern University | LinkedIn

3. Mayank Agarwal - Resident Physician - Barnes-Jewish Hospital | LinkedIn

Mayank Agarwal, MD | Anesthesiology | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (wustl.edu) (https://anesthesiology.wustl.edu/people/mayank-agarwal-md/)

4. Ugo Nduaguba - Partner - Token Metrics Ventures | LinkedIn

5. Annie Mongiello - Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner - Mindbloom | LinkedIn

6. Alec Kirchhoefer - Strategic Pharmacy Consultant - NFP (https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleckirchhoefer/)

7. Amara DiFrancesco - Alzheimer's Care Specialist - Freelance


8. Gabe Cuadra - Manager, Data and Project - E Source


9. Ndubisi Onuora - Columbia Business School


10. Niama Allen - Postpartum nurse - Morgan Stanley's Children Hospital of New York

Niama Allen - About Me (digication.com) (columbia.digication.com/niama-allen/Home)



11. Lindsay Lief - Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine - Weill Cornell Medicine | LinkedIn


1. "I do not entertain... The joker once said, 'if you're good at something, never do it for free'... Every service, has a price..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:01 PM (3/13/22)

She just got accepted to medical school. She’s 13. (msn.com) 

2. "Remember who you are..." - Mufasa, 7:14 PM (3/21/22)

3. "I didn't see the light, until I was already a man... and by then, it was nothing to me... but blinding..." - Bane, 7:59 AM (3/24/22)

4. “My Kingdom is not… of this world...” – John 18:36 (according to Jesus Christ, and possibly alluding to how 'home is where the heart is')

5. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything, is…” – Albert Einstein

6. "You can easily judge the character of a man, by how he treats those who can do nothing... for him..." - Malcolm S. Forbes

7. "If you've significantly wronged me in the past, and are unrepentant... assuming you are denied entry to heaven (on Judgment Day)... in the afterlife (as Jesus Christ's personal avenger), you will likely regret the day... you were born..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:48 AM (4/3/22)

8. "I worry about a lot of things, but I don't worry about achievement..." - Tom Waits

9. “People change over time, in the context of the spirit, mind and body… to different extents… Every year is a new chapter, but one must remain steadfast to that which has intrinsic value (and is objectively true)… when speculating about the things, which are worthwhile… to do…” – Michael Izuchukwu, 3:10 PM (4/9/22)

10. "You better 'get right' with God... if you have concerns about your trajectory for the afterlife, regarding a lack of 'genuine feedback (spiritual-based)'... in this world..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 3:14 PM (4/9/22)

11. "Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12. "If you want to get to heaven, relate to those... who are trying to get there..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 7:33 AM (4/18/22)

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24 

Johann Pachelbel - Canon in D \\ Jacob's Piano - YouTube

13. "Ask yourself, 'who are the people, trying to get to heaven?' Jesus Christ was one of them, and there are others..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:11 AM (4/18/22)

14. "To reach a certain destination, a path must be traversed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

15. “… ‘Lord,’ said Thomas, ‘we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me… If you had known me, you would know my father as well. From now on you do know him, and have seen him…” – John 14:5-7

"Based off the aforementioned biblical passage, I concluded that Jesus Christ was attesting that He was the representative for His ‘heavenly Father’… while on Earth. Jesus is the intermediator between His Father ('God') and humans... and it may not be possible to know who Jesus Christ's heavenly grandfather, is...

In the Catholic denomination of Christianity, God is the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit… so I can’t help but wonder, based off the analogous triad that Jesus Christ referenced Himself as… that perhaps His successor, would be one synonymous with ‘the Way’…” – Michael Izuchukwu

16. "Sometimes it pays to see the bigger picture. In life, there are an infinite number... of finite moments..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:37 AM (5/22/22)

17. "Father Time eventually catches you, unless you use such not only wisely... but intrinsically... A question that ought to be entertained, regarding this notion... is 'of all there is to truly see, what am I seeing'... given that there is a difference between seeing, and observing..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:16 AM (5/28/22)

18. "If every time you turn a page, you feel like 'it's a different story'... then you're not with God (feeling as though there are 10 stories inside a 10-page book, for instance... or forgetting tomorrow, as readily... as yesterday)..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 4:14 PM (5/28/22)

19. "Just remember where I found you..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:21 PM (6/12/22)

20. "Give your children enough so that they can do anything, but not enough… so that they can do nothing…” – Warren Buffet

"There is a threshold, at which an inheritance is inclined to result... in 'diminishing returns,' regarding the relationship... of one's work ethic, to one's earned income..." - Michael Izuchukwu

21. "Around 12:51 PM on 6/21/22, a 'miracle' happened... and such was the restoration of the audio functionality... to my Motorola phone (when filming videos), which previously had been 'involuntarily disabled'... This had resulted in me getting a '$296' Samsung phone (case and screen protector, included), for the sake of filming some videos... after I received confirmation (at a T-Mobile location, in the Livingston, NJ, area)... that the audio wasn't working... prior to committing, to an 'alternative phone'... I am not exactly sure what accounts for the 'restoration (given I did nothing more than test to see, if I could hear the audio... of a video, I recorded... with the Motorola phone)'... Hmmm..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Taking note that the audio for my Motorola phone was restored (12:51 PM, on 6/21/22) - YouTube 


$3.80 (Three dollars and eighty cents - 10:18 AM, on 5/15/22) - YouTube

22. "It is certain, in any case... that ignorance, allied with power... is the most ferocious enemy, justice can have..." - James Baldwin

23. "The Holy Spirit is a human's link, to Jesus Christ... who performs the function of God, in the spirit realm. When on Earth, Jesus Christ had a special relationship to 'God the Father,' His 'heavenly Father'... which took precedence, to that of His guardian father, Saint Joseph... ...having been miraculously born to the Virgin Mary Magdalene, via the 'Immaculate Conception'... 

...Jesus Christ was no ordinary human being. It was moments ago, that I concluded that if Jesus Christ happens to be relating well to a certain human (from the spirit realm, that He resides in), then 'God the Father' may decide to play an atypical role... in the life, of that individual... Nevertheless, due to the fact that Jesus Christ is the intermediator between humans and his 'heavenly Father'... we know not of the ways, of 'God the Father'... who likely operates in a more efficient capacity (than the 'position of God'), in the aftermath of his son... have assumed, that role/function... in the spirit realm, following Jesus' departure to heaven (40 days after having Resurrected, 3 days after having conquered... His Crucifixion)...

John 14:6 of the bible, states: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” according to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the 'Human God,' while 'God the Father'... is the 'Alien God ('god of all species throughout the cosmos, who wonder about deities/higher powers')'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Mark 9:2-13 (The Transfiguration) - YouTube 


On Jesus Christ & His Crucifixion (University City, MO - 7/4/20) - YouTube

"The bible speaks of many things, which are guidelines... for those who seek, to gain entry... to heaven... and such is 'the Word of God'... written by many scholars, over several centuries... before and after, the time... of Jesus Christ..." - Michael Izuchukwu


“Whoever therefore breaks one of these least commandments and teaches others to break them, will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 5:19

(in the eyes of Jesus Christ, getting to heaven is about the process one takes... to get there, and one's 'business' being there)

“For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son…” - John 5:22 (a verse about 'God the Father,' delegating responsibilities... to Jesus Christ, regarding Judgment Day)


24. “It was moments ago, that I realized that unless one finds an unconventional means for living one’s life… that is of ‘intrinsic significance’… then time is fleeting, and one may experience ‘diminishing returns’… regarding ‘life satisfaction’… The easiest pathway is not necessarily the most genuine or meaningful… and one may find that only after having tread on an arduous one, long enough… does one see greater feedback, on the course one has taken… to ‘dream realization/attainment’…” – Michael Izuchukwu, 3:07 PM, 6/29/22

25. "Time is the most valuable currency..." - Dr. John Townsend

New York 1911 (New Version) in Color [60fps, Remastered] w/added sound - YouTube 


Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=633520025007233&set=a.407206637638574)


Usain Bolt's 9.58: the night he obliterated the 100m world record | NBC Sports - YouTube 


Men in Black - Bench Scene - YouTube

26. "Of all the beaches/shores of this world (in the context of others, in the cosmos), how many of them (percentage-wise) can you truly walk upon...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

27. "A person is not the same yesterday, as he/she is today... or tomorrow... People change over time, and my memory is impeccable... regarding some of the idiosyncrasies, of others. Know yourself, before presuming to know others... This life will transition into the next, and on Judgment Day... you will have to account for all of your inequities and transgressions, when Jesus Christ assesses... whether or not you are worthy, to gain entry... to His Kingdom (heaven)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

28. “You think it's the living that will have ultimate judgment over you, because the dead will have no claim over your soul… but you may be mistaken…” - Jigsaw



29. "Less than an hour ago, I placed a 'big brown bag' to the side of a hallway... at my dominion, so that I could wash a black cap of mine (which had applesauce atop such)... When I had finished doing such (which took no more than 3 minutes), I noticed the bag was missing... which made me irritable, in the sense I reuse such to dispose of trash (even though I have a few spare ones, and I noticed that plastic bags are no longer available... at East Orange, NJ's ShopRite)... I had intent of going to South Orange, NJ, as well... but when a spare phone that I intended to film with, was at 37% charging capacity (even though I make sure to always power such off, when not in use)... this was another slight, which made me refrain from such a visitation (this was the second instance, in which I took notice of a 'charging discrepancy')... If anything, I can always visit that township... via the videos, I have filmed... and posted online... My Aunt Colette has not been occupying the home that she has in the neighborhood, that is adjacent to Seton Hall University (due to some pending renovations)... but a family gathering is long overdue..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:40 AM (7/11/22)

"Sometimes I feel like when certain foods are eaten, one is traveling through spacetime... at a different rate, than if one were to entertain... other edibles... There is an interplay, between human physiology... and the ingestion of food... In the context of this, variables such as portion size, quality, quantity, and temperature... account for this hypothesis..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:55 AM (7/11/22)

30. "About 3-5 minutes before 10:49 AM, on 7/11/22 (when I filmed the following video), a female, African American maid... entered my room, and attempted to take some white, plastic cups. Given that it is not uncommon, for the staff members to attest that they have run out of them... I keep some stashed, in my room... It just so happened that she took them this time, in my presence... and when she was about to walk away with the cups, I stopped her outside my doorway... requesting they be returned. She was reluctant, and was only willing to part with half of them... until I took initiative, in getting them back..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Maid at my dominion, remarking about some white cups she saw... (10:49 AM, on 7/11/22) - YouTube

11:10 AM (7/11/22): "...maybe she thought, they were valuable..." - Michael Izuchukwu

31. "The reason humans may not have had contact with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (assuming they exist), is that they likely are more advanced than our species (Homo Sapiens)... and have more 'planetary conquest experience'. From such, they likely have inferred that for the most part, interplanetary conflicts usually have dire consequences... for the opposing, respective inhabitants...

...this makes sense, given what we humans have seen happening on our planet (amongst 195 countries), over the past centuries... when contrasting cultures, languages and belief systems... clash..." - Michael Izuchukwu

32. "Technologies such as the laptop, were the product of many centuries... of innovation, and collaborative efforts... Thus, do not be discouraged... if your personal achievements, seem like 'drops... in a bucket'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

...how many drops do you need, for something 'extraordinary' to happen...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

achievement - Google Search & 

G-Eazy "Achievement" - YouTube &

What Does a QUANTUM PHYSICIST Do All Day? | REAL Physics Research at Cambridge University - YouTube (1:31-2:10) ["After viewing this video, I couldn't help but think that developing 'quantum communication' and 'quantum encryption technologies'... is likely a task that rivals 'the ability to travel at lightspeed'... or significantly 'defy spacetime'..." - Michael Izuchukwu]

33. "Maybe there's a difference between net worth, and 'net worth frequency'... The latter, could ultimately be more significant... regarding matters, of the spirit...

...Net worth frequency' could be thought of as 'monetary value'... in terms of 'intrinsic, self-sufficiency'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

34. "To those who never learn from their mistakes, or suffer from inadequacy... which is of their own volition, and self-imposed (believing whatever helps them sleep at night, even if such is not aligned with reality)... I have nothing to say, except that 'God helps those, who help themselves'... and if you don't believe in God, then God won't believe in you... ...by now, you ought to have a vibe... of who that is (Jesus Christ, the 'God of the humans')..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 5:40 PM (7/24/22)

Celebrities who don't believe in God (msn.com)

"For what should it profit a man, to gain the whole 'world'... but lose his own 'soul'...?" - Mark 8:36

Wang wins long jump in final round | World Athletics Championships Oregon 22 - YouTube

35. "Speak of the devil, and he shall... appear..." - Bane

"Do You Feel In Charge ? " Scene - The Dark Knight Rises - HD - YouTube &

Drake "No Friends In The Industry" (Music Video) - YouTube

36. “Sometimes it's hard, to wake up in the morning… mind full of demons, I don't wanna hear them anymore…” - Tupac

Fallen - Time Is On My Side - YouTube

37. "I know you're afraid, but nowhere near... as afraid, as you will be..." - Michael Izuchukwu

38. "Don't presume to know things about people, whom you have never spoken with... ...particularly, if you know nothing of their upbringing or drives/motivation... There are layers, to who people are.." - Michael Izuchukwu

Bryson Tiller - Exchange - YouTube


39. "The voids between worlds, exist for a reason... If you don't genuinely believe in Jesus Christ (who performs the function of God, in the spirit realm), when His timer expires... you will be 'left behind,' and forced to dwell in a world... devoid, of the Holy Spirit (which is a human's link/connection... to God)...
...humans were not intended to interact with extraterrestrials... we were made in the image of God, for a divine reason..." - Michael Izuchukwu

40. "He cried out to the sky, because he was lonely and scared... but only the devil responded, because God... wasn't there..." - Immortal Technique

41. "If you wake up one day, and realize that 'millions' of people have vanished... across the globe, but you... yourself, were not a constituent... then you can safely conclude, that such an event... must be 'the Rapture'... and in such a scenario, you will likely regret... the day, you were born..." - Michael Izuchukwu

42. “But the subjects of the Kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness… where there will be weeping... and gnashing of teeth…” – Matthew 8:12

43. "I like the theatrics, but I'm a serious person... one must take care to seize the day ('carpe diem'), and make haste while the sun shines (as my dad, used to say)... The current of life, is subject to change... and one must flow with such, attentively... or one may miss one's stop..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 6:12 PM (7/26/22)

44. "I spoke with my mom for about 32 minutes today, ending a call with her... a few minutes ago... I told her that she needs to commit to memory, the context of our prior conversations... regarding the fact that she needs to realize there is a distinction between who I am now (at age 32), and who I was... 20 years ago... I reiterated to her, that she is not to conflate the two time periods... and that she is not to impose her preferences upon me, particularly... when they are irrational.... Furthermore, I reminded her that she has not taken the 'due diligence' necessary... to understand who I am, thoroughly.... ever since my 3/6/19 lawsuit against her (which was 1,239 days or 177 weeks, ago)... Her emotional apathy, moral depravity and hypocrisies... are unacceptable...
....interestingly, 'out of the blue' she had proposed a new place... for me to relocate (which is not where she cohabits, with my middle brother, JJ)... After 'fishing for information'... my intuition told me, that this suggestion was not spontaneous... and has some 'ulterior motive'... 
...given my present familial dynamics, and the context of what has transpired since my time in East Orange, NJ (particularly, since the beginning of this year)... I have to assume that 'my best interests' are not being entertained...." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:08 AM (7/27/22)
Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (timeanddate.com) (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=3&d1=6&y1=2019&m2=7&d2=27&y2=2022)

45. "Do you see me...?" - Anton Chigurh

46. "Matters of the spirit, should take priority... over those, which are worldly..." - Michael Izuchukwu

47. "If you invest in capitalizing on 'spacetime (the 3 spatial dimensions of length, width and height/depth... in tandem with time, a fourth... but 'temporal' dimension)'... and commit to spiritual, mental and physical fortification... you assuredly will 'optimize' your odds, of getting to heaven (in the context of 'natural means')...
...there are many variables which account, for one's trajectory over time... and whether or not, one strays from such... Some paths are more intrinsically rewarding, than others... but the key is to follow the right ones...
...You may not know what path you've been following, but if you don't follow the right one... you might not get to your 'intended destination'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:19 AM (7/29/22)

48. "BETTER NOT FUCK WITH ME, IF YOU BELIEVE THERE IS A GOD..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:06 AM (8/1/22)


49. "If you're not proud of who you are, then when you look in the mirror... you need to ask the person, looking back... why that issue exists, given that you may be relating to others... more than yourself, which is characteristic of one... with a 'deficient spirit'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 7:31 AM (8/2/22)

50. "There is a relationship between space and time, and time has been paralleled with money, and transitively... power (which has been linked to knowledge)... Time cannot be recaptured, so living life in an intrinsic manner... likely requires, one to capitalize... on those two former variables..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:51 PM (8/4/22)
A year's worth of expenses, has different implications to an individual... decade by decade, over the course of a century...

2:54 PM (11/27/22):
For his contributions to the theory of Ricci flow, Perelman was awarded the Fields medal in 2006. However, he declined to accept the prize.[7] For his proof of the Poincaré conjecture, Perelman was awarded the Millennium Prize on March 18, 2010,[8] but he declined the award and the associated prize money. The Interfax news agency quoted Perelman as saying he believed the prize was unfair, as he considered his contribution to solving the Poincaré conjecture to be no greater than Hamilton's.[9]  <<<
NOTE #1:
There is a distinction between the Fields Medal, and the Millenium Prize... regarding prize money. Based off the context of Grigori Perelman's victory, I believe 'his decision'... was quite commendable...
NOTE #2:
I personally believe that 'his decision,' was based off the premise... that the processes he went through, to be awarded both the Fields Medal and the Millenium Prize... were not encapsulated by their respective monetary allocations (aside from the fact, that Hamilton had been working on the Poincare Conjecture... prior to Perelman's completion, of such)...

11:26 AM (11/28/22):
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24 (according to Jesus Christ)

There are 195 countries in the world, across 7 continents... where there are considerable variations, in standards of living... ...that have endured, over several centuries... Perhaps God the Father, is innately attentive... to this phenomenon...

12:10 PM (11/28/22):
"The higher we soar, the smaller we appear... to those, who cannot fly..." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"That which is observed, is relative... to the observer... when observing... Certain truths are only illuminated, once enough checkpoints... have been passed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

51. "It's not how much money you earn; it's what you do with the money, that matters..." - Tom Ferry

52.  “…In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob… and all the prophets in the Kingdom of God, but yourselves being thrown out…” – Luke 13:28 (according to Jesus Christ)

53. "Best to contemplate your actions or inaction, beforehand... rather than reflect on the irrationality of not having done so, afterwards..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 12:26 PM (8/5/22)

54. "At certain stages in one's life... one may realize that one's resources are considerable, but to make use of them ideally... a number of variables must be met/aligned, and one must invest the required effort... to manifest, his/her potential..." - Michael Izuchukwu

55. “So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold… I am about to spit you, out of my mouth…” – Revelation 3:16

56. "Extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence..." - Carl Sagan

57. "For what should it profit a man, to gain the whole world... but lose his own soul...?" - Mark 8:36

58. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
"In the context of this statement, and the Holy Trinity [God the Father (heavenly Father/'Alien God'), God the Son (Jesus Christ/'Human God'), and the Holy Spirit ('a human's link to God')], one can infer that given Jesus Christ is the intermediary between His 'heavenly Father' and humans... unless one thoroughly understands the teachings of Jesus (and His message)... one cannot be receptive of the potentially more complex ways... of 'God the Father'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:32 PM (8/5/22)
NOTE: Jesus Christ now performs the function of God, in the spirit realm... and His 'heavenly Father' now operates... in a more efficient capacity... In the context of the aforementioned, the Holy Spirit is a human's connection/link... to Jesus Christ, and is only accessible... by the 'spiritually discerning,' and righteous (those who have a moral compass, and an ethical framework)..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:37 PM (8/5/22)

59. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he who does the will of my Father…” – Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ)
"Jesus Christ had a 'guardian father,' named Saint Joseph... ...and His mother, was the Virgin Mary Magdalene... ...but Jesus likely sensed, that His biological origins... were 'otherworldly'... ...in the context, of having been born... by His mother... ...via the 'Immaculate Conception'... Such is regarded as a 'miraculous' birth, and it was the Angel Gabriel... ...who advised the Virgin Mary, to name her Son... Jesus..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:43 PM (8/5/22)
(an artistic rendering of Saint Joseph & the Virgin Mary Magdalene, left to right)
(an artistic rendering, of Angel Gabriel)


"Little did the Virgin Mary Magdalene know, upon giving birth to Jesus Christ.. that Jesus would perform several miracles (raising Lazarus from the dead, making a blind man see and walking on water... among other things), prior to His own Resurrection (after His Crucifixion)... and ultimately, departing to heaven... to assume the function of God, which He now performs..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:25 PM (8/5/22)
Jesus Christ's Resurrection took 3 days, and He was among His 11 (of 12) remaining apostles/disciples, for 40 days... before His departure, to heaven...

"If you genuinely believe there is a God, then the Holy Spirit is your sole link to Him (Jesus Christ)... On Judgment Day, a human will have to account for all of his/her inequities... and in the context of biblical scripture, after the event known as the Rapture... if you are 'left behind'... you will be in a world, filled with those who are deprived of the Holy Spirit (peers, who were as unworthy as you are... of salvation)..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:47 PM (8/5/22)

"I suppose if one woke up one day, and there was 'breaking news' that 'multitudes' of people had vanished... via 'unconventional and inexplicable' means... then there would be credence, that such an event... was the Rapture..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:51 PM (8/5/22)

There is a spectrum of depravity, and if one was at the end that was closest to the measure required... to be 'taken to heaven,' via the Rapture... one likely would detect such occurred more readily, than those on the opposing side... in the context of relativity and spirituality, being at work...
"Imagine being 'left behind' and dealing with numerous pastors, with criminal histories... and yet, attesting to be 'of God'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God… nor does the perishable inherit, the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye… at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable… and we will be changed…” – 1 Corinthians 15:51
“About that day or hour, no one knows... not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son... but only, the Father..." - Matthew 24:36


“And the Lord said unto Moses, stretch out thine hand towards heaven… that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt… for three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days… but all the children of Israel, had light in their dwellings…” - Exodus 10:21-23

Book of Eli prayer - ending - YouTube

“And God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the Lord, your God… who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above… or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord… your God, am a jealous God… visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation… of those who hate me…” – Exodus 20:1-15


“My father was a watch maker. He abandoned it when Einstein discovered time is relative. I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect, as a photograph of oxygen… to a drowning man…” – Jon Osterman (Dr. Manhattan)

Michael Jordan - Emotional moment - YouTube 


"Before people had computers (portable, cellular phones... desktop, and laptop computers or television), the proliferation of information... was 'distinctly limited'... Thus, it was not uncommon... for people venturing to other countries, to encounter other humans... who spoke 'foreign languages,' which were 'not understood' to themselves (and their native citizens)... This gives credence, to why the term 'illegal aliens' was coined. There is a distinction between extraterrestrials ('actual aliens,' from outer space) and other humans... with proportional physiologies/forms, but of different dialects/languages and cultures..." - Michael Izuchukwu

telly.bollyspynews on Instagram: Vickat Return From Their Maldives Vacany🥰🤗💕 . #vickat #vickykatrina #katrinakaifkaushal #mrskaushal #katvick #vickykaushalfans…

(a couple walking and holding hands, as 'Middle Eastern' dialect plays... I'm not certain, of what's being stated)

Henry Cavill with his Girlfriend 😍 - YouTube

(another couple, holding hands)

"1,265 days ago (on 2/22/19), I snapped a photo... in the South Orange Village (in South Orange, NJ), with a silver beanie atop my head... and declared myself, 'the Prince of Darkness'... 

Today, I am officially the 'King of Darkness'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:12 AM (8/10/22)
(Posing in Monte Irvin Orange Park, in East Orange, NJ... at 12:46 PM today (8/10/22)


"When a slave becomes a happy slave, he has effectively relinquished... all that, which makes him human..." - Frederick Douglass
(the implication here, is that if you're enslaved... you're supposed to be unhappy, but if you're free... you ought to be happy... otherwise, that could be an indication... regarding matters, of the spirit... in the context, of the 'human condition')
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/videos/299934768786142)

"If you genuinely believe in God, such is reflected... by more, than mere words... Actions can attest, to whether or not one is hypocritical... regarding 'that' affirmation..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"A person who is of the Holy Spirit, will likely have an aversion... to those who know nothing of the Holy Trinity, and abide in spiritual ignorance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’…” – Matthew 7:22-23 (according to Jesus Christ)
You either live long enough to go to heaven, via natural or 'delayed' means... or live long enough, to be 'left behind'... or die, and wake up... in hell...
"I've heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your father's armor, ran away from home… ...and... you have saved us all..." – Emperor of China 

"If you cause a fire, you have to extinguish those flames... or, you might regret the inhalation..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"What I'd like to know, is why Angel Gabriel instructed the Virgin Mary Magdalene... to name her son, Jesus... What is it about this name, which gives such... 'divine significance'...?" - Michael Izuchukwu, 4:32 PM (8/15/22)



“10 years from now, you will arrive… …the question is, ‘where’?” – Jim Rohn


“Something about ‘building a charge’ is necessary, to capitalize on spacetime… ...is that not what Jesus Christ did, throughout his entire life... on Earth (in the context of the spirit, mind and body)... ...and likely accounting, for His performance... of multiple miracles...?" - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:34 PM (8/17/22)


Spacetime can either work with you, or against you (such is either benign or malignant/friend or foe)... that is contingent on how you make use of time's passage, given such is relative... to the observer, as Albert Einstein pinpointed...


"For after all, what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... a central point between nothing and all, and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings, are impregnably concealed from him... in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn, and the infinite... in which he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal


“For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees… ye shall in no case enter, into the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 5:20 (according to Jesus Christ)

(Martian volcanoes, in the 'orientation/shape' of a cross)


"In the eyes of 'God the Father' the universe was designed... in accordance, with both natural and spiritual law (regarding such, in relation to his human creations... beginning with Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden)... I can't help but surmise, that this arrangement of volcanoes (with Olympus Mons - the tallest one in our solar system, being situated at the bottom of the display)... could potentially have 'divine significance'... If this angle, is in fact of 'special designation'... ...perhaps such is a message from God, that if humans were to live on Mars... indefinitely... given that such is not where the origins of the human race... is noted, 'the cross (in the context a 'T-shape and spirituality')' is as good as 'hellfire'... if things were to go wrong, from the standpoint of extraterrestrials (beings from other worlds in the cosmos, such as exoplanets - planets outside our planetary system/solar system)..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 10:26 PM (8/17/22)

Tharsis Montes - Wikipedia 

"The three Tharsis Montes volcanoes are evenly spaced about 700 km (430 mi) apart from peak to peak, in a line oriented from southwest to northeast.[6] This alignment is unlikely to be coincidental."


SETI Institute (@setiinstitute) • Instagram photos and videos


ESA Science & Technology - Tharsis Montes trio and Olympus Mons


Climbing Olympus Mons - Tallest Planetary Mountain in the Solar System - YouTube


Awful Waste of Space - YouTube


Jim Gates: Supersymmetry, String Theory and Proving Einstein Right | Lex Fridman Podcast #60 - YouTube

(view of galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, which is situated about 4 billion lightyears away... from Earth... - courtesy of the James Webb telescope)
"A hypothesis of mine, is that the quotation 'above'... is a possible allusion, to the fact that the separation of the 3 volcanoes in a linear fashion... has some 'supernatural/divine significance,' if such is in fact... 'not coincidental'... From the standpoint of integers/numbers and symbolism, the number '3' could be thought of as representing 'Jesus Christ,' given that this name has '3' syllables... and given the arrangement of the integers, in the number '430 (from left to right)'... perhaps this is a way of saying that Jesus Christ may be presently relating to the sensation He had had... after 40 days elapsed, in the aftermath of His Resurrection (following His Crucifixion)... for whatever reason... The bible tells us, that Jesus Christ departed to heaven... after that interval, of time..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 12:32 AM (8/18/22)

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day…” - 2 Peter 3:8
"I noticed in the 'above' display of Mars, that there are '4' volcanoes, in the shape of a cross (T-shaped), or some kind of pendulum... In the context of the 'Wikipedia' description, something about their detection... must be relating, to 'spontaneity'... in some capacity... If so, perhaps this an indication, that the integers of '3,' 1,' '31,' or '4'... are of significance..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 9:25 AM (8/18/22)
Albert Einstein was born, on 3/14 (March 14th) of 1879... which is of interest...
"...if the Martian species evacuated their planet, millions of years ago... perhaps that is an indication that they possessed very sophisticated technology, in order to reach a different part of our Milky Way galaxy (or leave such)... Thus, this would give credence to the prospect... that they have the means, of 'terraforming (artifically landscaping)' planets... in an expedient manner..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 9:35 AM (8/18/22)
(text from a Facebook profile of mine, when I was relaying information to my primary Facebook profile... in 2020, when at my former apartment complex)

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies... but the silence, of our friends..." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Sometimes, frugality can result in dividends... Many roads lead to the same destination; it may be difficult, to go where no one has gone before... unless the basis for doing so, is genuine..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"If you work to make a living... as opposed to living to work, you may progress through life... having made intrinsic use, of time's passage... which is irreversible... This concept relates to that of an 'hourglass'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[What does it mean, to do the aforementioned...? ...surely, such is not repeating the same routine... to no avail, without consideration... of the 'grand picture'... of one's life. What ones does when one is 30, is something one ought to be able to do... when one is 80, in the context of spirituality and mentality... If this is so, this gives credence to the upkeep... of his/her physicality]

"If someone is communicating verbally or textually, and you do not appreciate what he/she has to say (when the subject matter is of 'intrinsic significance')... then you can go fuck yourself, when you find out that your abandonment by God... is assured... because life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... and some doors are open, only temporarily..." - Michael Izuchukwu
You have to go through some doors, to gain entry... to others...
If you're a faggot, I will gaze upon you as though you are sub-human... because you are...

"If you get 'left behind',' don't ask 'me'... for help (I'll be gone)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"Albert Einstein discovered that time is relative, to the observer… If time is money, then money could be thought of as time… and transitively, such itself... is ‘relative,' in relation... to the owner/observer… Given that time cannot be recaptured, but money can always be acquired… this attests to the fact, that ‘time’ is intrinsically more valuable… than money… since one’s time on Earth, is limited… but money is subject, to being earned…” – Michael Izuchukwu

At some point, the money one has... becomes obsolete. One could spend his/her whole life, chasing money... and then have only one year to live... What is the value of 100 years, to just '1 year'... if an 'alloted' amount of money, could be spent... within each time interval...

matthew 19 24 - Google Search 


kuriboh - YouTube (narration by Chinese business magnate, Jack Ma, towards end)


Age: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110...

***QUOTES OF THE KING OF DARKNESS (waves69.blogspot.com) (82. - 106.)


1. Are we alone in the universe? Here's what a top physicist says | Fox Business

2. Amara DiFrancesco (@amaravelous) • Instagram photos and videos

3. Why I believe in higher dimensions (telegraph.co.uk)

4. End of an Era | Rice Magazine | Office of Public Affairs | Rice University

5. SNAP-SCROLL #2 https://www.facebook.com/Michael.izuchukwu.904 (tumblr.com)

6. ✂️ OTHER WORLDS - YouTube

7. Michael Izuchukwu - Men's Track & Field - Rice University Athletics (riceowls.com)

8SETI Institute


9. DIM ROAD (godaddysites.com)

10. Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records (athletic.net) (https://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/SchoolRecords.aspx?SchoolID=11740)

11. Home | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)

12. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz116) on Snapchat

13. Children among 31 killed at church fair stampede in Nigeria : NPR

14. Nigeria's Christian death toll gets tepid response from West | Terry Mattingly (msn.com)

MISCELLANEOUS (continued):

"We found him off the coast, of Namibia... There were no survivors..." - Michael Izuchukwu (random thoughts that appeared in my head, around 12:08 PM today - 4/22/22... regarding a doppelganger of mine, who I crossed paths with a few times... at Rice University)

see: namibia - YouTube

"Maybe my dad had known 'him'... given he had made a series of trips to Africa, between 2011 and 2020... My dad had spoken of a village he was constructing, in Nigeria... before he died, on 10/8/20..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:32 PM (4/22/22)

Top 10 Namibia's Most Privilege & Luxurious Estates for the Wealthy - YouTube &

Top 10 Nigeria’s Most privileged & luxurious estates for the wealthy - YouTube & 

About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)

"My dad died at age 65, on 10/8/20... I don't know where he went, but he went somewhere... regarding a trajectory, for either heaven or hell... ...on the morning of that day, he was slumped over in a chair... and non-responsive..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 5:51 PM (4/3/22)

"...the feeling that resounds with me, is that my dad lived his life... yet, he 'never existed,' and was an 'obstructionist (N.E.O.)'... in a sense. My memories of him, revolve primarily around him touting the significance of education... although, he was not a very 'down-to-earth' person... and was emotionally and psychologically abusive, to his family members... For nearly 7 years (May 2011 to April 2018) we did not speak, in the aftermath of my parents' divorce (in 2011)... After speaking on the phone for 8 months (April 2018-December 2018), there was a hiatus in time... before we did so, again (given that my dad had 'irrationally undone the relationship building, we had done... during that time interval'... by a 'certain, imposition'... which is not characteristic, of a college-educated, adult)... I cohabited with him, for 6 of 7 months... at my former apartment, before his death on 10/8/20..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 9:23 AM (8/1/22)

Who is your real father???||by- Barack Obama|| Barack Obama Quotes|| - YouTube 


GETTING SUCCESSFUL IS NOT EASY - Barack Obama Motivational Speech - YouTube


WONDER WORLD (tumblr.com) & DAD'S DEBT (pinecreekmortgage.blogspot.com)

MISCELLANEOUS (continued):
3:31 PM (5/22/22): "Minutes ago, a strange daydream occurred to me... in which an old man was saying to a young dude, 'You mean to tell me, that you've been inside my house... eating my food, and now you want me to cover additional expenses? Nah, that's not how this goes...' Not quite sure what the basis for such was, unless one is speculating about a scenario... in which my middle brother, JJ, had to live on his own..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

8:49 PM (5/26/22): "I was born on November 2, 1989, and am presently 32 years, 6 months & 24 days old... Nevertheless, there is a difference between biological age and chronological age... given that the former relates to how old one appears to be externally/on the surface [regarding variables such as respiratory function/cardiovascular efficiency, skin/epidermis health, blood flow, aura/vibrancy ('a corpse lacks this'), and most importantly... the quality/condition of homeostatic processes, which governs/'accounts for' the prior four variables], while the latter deals with how long one has been on Earth...

homeostasis | Definition, Function, Examples, & Facts | Britannica

 There is also something called 'maturity,' which accounts for whether or not people seem older or younger/mature or childish... in demeanor. This may refine one's initial impression, of how old one seems to be... when interacting... if one factors in the aforementioned categories..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:58 PM (7/12/22): "...I would add that aside from biological age (how one physiologically 'appears and feels') and chronological age (how long one has been on Earth), there is 'spacetime age (based off 'physiological efficiency,' and specific for each individual... given that in the timeline of a human life, he/she may be aging differently... year by year, due to his/her genetics/hereditary traits, rate of sedentariness, and nature and nurture)'... 

efficiency meaning - Google Search [the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to the total energy expended or heat taken in]

...In the context of having never smoked, drank alcohol or used drugs/paraphernalia... and the fact that I partook in sports (baseball, taekwondo, track and field, soccer and cross country), throughout my childhood and adolescence (and have maintained a modest degree, of daily exercise... while continuing to adhere to a relatively healthy, dietary intake)... even though I am presently 32 years old (regarding elapsed time on Earth)... I would say that I have experienced only 28 years (my present 'spacetime age')...

It is... what it is..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:59 AM (7/20/22): "After watching the following video, I concluded that my 'spacetime age' may in fact be 27 (as opposed to 28)... The dude featured in such (Juan Gonzalez) was 27 years old (his chronological age), at the time of filming/'video upload'... I would attest that he is 'physiologically fit,' which is an indication that his spacetime age... is at least on the level, of his chronological age... assuming he has had healthy lifestyle choices. Nevertheless, his biological age... could be a bit different, than his chronological age)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Hey, Sorry I'm Late.. - YouTube &

Wanna see my bank account? - YouTube &

 juan gonzalez youtuber - Google Search

(a photo of me in Monte Irvin Orange Park, in East Orange, NJ... around 10:03 AM, on 10/30/18... I had gotten someone to snap a photo of me, with my iPhone 8... at the time... Such was 3 days, before my 29th birthday - I was age 28 years and 362 days, then (regarding my 'chronological age')... given there are 365 days, in a year...
...I was 29 years old and '-3' days, then... but I felt as though I was still '28' when the photo request, was made... 
In terms of my psychology, when I turned '29,' I still felt 28... for quite some time, before I ended up embarking on an adventure... through 'spacetime,' up to today - 7/20/22...
In retrospect, when I look back at myself on that day... I would say that my 'physiological efficiency' has improved... given that whatever 'power level' I had in 'that moment'... is now easier, for me to sustain)
Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (timeanddate.com) (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=10&d1=30&y1=2018&m2=7&d2=20&y2=2022)
Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (timeanddate.com) (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=5&d1=18&y1=2015&m2=10&d2=30&y2=2018)
Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (timeanddate.com) (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=5&d1=18&y1=2015&m2=7&d2=20&y2=2022)
"I believe that 'spacetime age' is the age one's physical form ('of a certain volume') appears, in the context of the cross-sections of his/her 'aging over time (how old one appears, every 5 years or so)'...
When the above photo was taken (on 10/30/18), I felt as though my spacetime age... was aligned, with my chronological age (28 and '28', respectively)... 
Today (7/20/22), I feel as though my spacetime age... is 5 years less than my chronological age (27 and 32, respectively)...
"If I traveled through time, to see myself on that day (10/30/18)... I can say indisputably, that I am a 'younger' version of myself... now, regarding 'spacetime age (by about a year)'... I say this, in the context of how my physicality improved... since the date of my Seton Hall University graduation, on 5/18/15... which was 1,261 days before that photo, had been taken...
As of 3:31 PM on 7/20/22, I concluded that my chronological age is 32 (until 11/2/22),  my spacetime age is 27, and my biological age is 21..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"The drinking age is 21 in America, and based off my memory of how I was on the day I turned 21 (when I had gone for a walk in Hermann Park, in Houston, TX... under the cover of moonlight)... I am certain that my biological age is no older than 21... I have yet to sip an alcoholic beverage, and have never used drugs/paraphernalia or smoked - variables which accelerate the effects, of aging... I also have engaged in at least a moderate amount of exercise (walking, plyometrics and 'backpack' trekking) during that time interval... which is beneficial, for 'physiological preservation'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Discovery of Ancient Microorganisms Could Impact the Search for Alien Life | Watch (msn.com) &

What is space-time? | Live Science &

The illusionist full movie - YouTube (6:04-7:20) &

Jesus Walking On Water - Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? - YouTube &

Phil Collins - You'll Be in My Heart /Tarzan(ターザン) - YouTube (2:52-4:12)

Dead fly (6:02 PM, on 7/20/22) - YouTube

"A human is in the flow of time, but a human body... has a certain volume (such occupies a certain space, regarding the three spatial dimensions... of length, width and height)... and that which is happening at the cellular level, accounts for one's 'overall disposition (vibe/aura, functioning/'physiological vitality' and cadence)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:21 PM (7/12/22)

Bruce Lee: Be like water (Inspirational) - YouTube &

Bruce Lee - Express Yourself - Inspirational Video - YouTube &

"18 years of my life" | Fences scene - Viola Davis and Denzel Washington - YouTube &

12 Years a Slave (2013) - Master Epps and Platt Fight - YouTube &

The Silence of the Lambs great scene - Clarice & Hannibal's last meeting - YouTube


Inside McDonald's, and chilling briefly (12:24 PM, on 7/22/22) - YouTube &

Exiting McDonald's (City of Orange, NJ - 12:27 PM, on 7/22/22) - YouTube 

“As of today (8/12/22), I will be simulating myself as being ‘7’ years into the future (on the verge of 40)… I say this, in the context of the ‘tremendous energy expenditure’ I experienced, between 3/6/19 and 3/21/20 [the window of time from my lawsuit victory against my mom (and subsequent ‘vagrancy,’ for 12-16 months - in which I had been on an adventure/expedition, regarding interstate travel… in at least 3 states – Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York), to when I was ‘en route’ to my former apartment complex (where I was, for 7 months & 4 days)]… Such required investing in the means, to recover from the effects of exhaustion (via ‘physiological rejuvenation’)…

Michael Izuchukwu (@micolostud1) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

…the aforementioned objective, should permit the refinement of my reality… in a way, that capitalizes on spacetime… Asymptotic aging seems to have ‘diminishing returns,’ regarding feedback on such… the older one becomes… unless one actively gauges his/her progression, on an annual basis… beginning around the age of 28 years old, or so…

NOTE #1: I say this because age 28 is the equivalent of ‘4’ series of ‘7’ years, and there seems to be some significance… to the fact, that there are 14 days… in 2 weeks…

Thus, in the context of having a ‘portable spacetime house’… and having the contents (photos) of such, saved in a database… I will focus on ‘physicality preservation’ and ‘form optimization,’ given that it would be interesting if 7 years elapse… and it feels as though it’s just been ‘7’ months… in the context of my present biological age (27), chronological age (32) and 'spacetime age (21)’… regarding the aforementioned estimation, in this blog...

...Matthew 19:24 of the bible, attests that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle... than it is for a rich man, to enter... the Kingdom of Heaven... Perhaps the connotation ('implied meaning') of this passage, is with respect to the spirit, mind and body... being templates/models for the measure which is needed, to advance towards heaven... via 'natural means'...” – Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #2:
I noticed that time passes differently, when one is heavily clothed when one goes to bed (as opposed to lightly)… when factoring in what one has eaten, for a particular day. I believe this is attributable to a ‘spiritual phenomenon,’ in the context of Adam and Eve… having once been in the Garden of Eden, and having disobeyed the instructions… of God, the Father…

...regarding the prior paragraph, one likely will not detect this... unless one has a 'relatively efficient physicality'... and is 'spiritually discerning'...

The prior observation/hypothesis, can be tested... by gauging when one awakens, if one goes to sleep... at a certain time... and making a comparison, on different days (regarding when 'those' variables/factors are modified)... Using the scientific method, can be beneficial...

SPIRITUAL OPTIMIZATION (2skywalking47.blogspot.com)

"I feel fear... for the last time..." - Dr. Manhattan (Jon Osterman)

This scene (from the 2009 film 'Watchmen') is depicting an unconventional transition, from the state of the material/physical... to that of the ethereal/spiritual...

1. "If you don't believe there is a God, when you die... you either go to hell, assuming you are wrong... ...or you will be reincarnated, into a 'lesser state/condition/form' than the one you are presently in... due to the 'law of attraction'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 12:04 AM (4/26/22)

They Called Me Monkey Now Am Famous All Over The World : Extraordinary People - YouTube

2. "At the end of each day, you have to live with yourself... Depending on who you are, that is either a notion that brings comfort... or displeasure..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 12:07 AM (4/26/22)

Hospital Scene - Shallow Hal - YouTube

3. "The social network Facebook, isn't very social (in my opinion)... I don't get messages; cyber obstruction, perhaps... or 'fake friends'... If that's the case, the 'Facebook is dead'... perhaps there is some universality, to this observation... otherwise...

...what was the site designed for, to begin with ('the original intent/basis for its creation')...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

Interstellar - Years of Messages Scene 1080p HD - YouTube &

50 CENT said I don’t owe anyone a thing… & neither do you - YouTube &

Inside the home of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan - YouTube

1:56 PM (7/25/22):
"I started my initial Facebook account on 10/7/06 (5,770 days or 15 years, 9 months & 18 days ago), after Homecoming festivities... during my junior year of high school. Here, I am featured with Brooke Kinsaul (near a Wapango restaurant, in Chesterfield, MO), who had prompted me to start an account (that day)... although a female by the name of Theresa Hibler, had asked me to attend the event with her...
Maybe there are those... who are bad at 'facial recognition'... People change over time, and a picture... is worth 1,000 words...
Perhaps if one thinks about the nature of 'face-to-face' interaction (voice tonality, vibe/aura and eye contact)... then one better recollects who one is, if one has actually 'spoken to someone'... before...

...If you're on Facebook, and you haven't changed your profile picture in years... or filmed any video footage of yourself (in relation to others or 'the self'), then you likely are in self-denial... about what you look like, regarding 'spacetime age'... If this is the case, your biological age is likely at odds... with your chronological age... for whatever reason... and this perpetuates an inability to relate to others, as they are (given one is not aligned with oneself, regarding 'genuine self-perception')...
...A profile picture of oneself, from high school or college... does not do justice, for capturing what one is like... 10-15 years later, regarding certain accounts... unless one is 'asymptotically aging'...

...it's difficult to relate to others well, if the manner in which one relates to oneself... significantly contrasts... with the one, in which one relates to others..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(a dad talking to his son, about the relativity... of God)

10:21 AM (8/8/22): "I contacted the Information Technology (IT) Help Desk at Rice University, around 10:14 AM... today (Eastern Standard Time)... I was attempting to regain access of whatever e-mails had been sent to me, as a student there... from 2008-2010, but was informed by a female who answered... that 6 months after departing from that institution, the e-mail accounts of students... become inactivate, and may be subject to clearance (unless one follows alumni procedure, for continuance)... I had updated my password via 'Rice Webmail'... but did not see anything, when I logged in..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:26 AM (8/8/22): "...there's always my Seton Hall University e-mail, I can look into as well... although I am not sure what happened, regarding that for Eastern Virginia Medical School... in the aftermath, of my 'involuntarily disabled' laptop... as of the Fall of 2019, in Philadelphia, PA..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Rice University (www.rice.edu)
(Herzstein Hall, of Rice University)

"When I initially went off to college at Rice University (in the Fall of 2008), with a full ride scholarship... for my academic and athletic accolades (in high school)... I had ambition to work at NASA one day, and be an astronaut (aside from the dream of being Olympic Champion, in the triple jump)... Arguably, the will to fulfill this desire... kept me afloat in a number of mathematics courses that I took at Rice (Calculus 2/Integral Calculus, Calculus 3/Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations/Linear Algebra)... but at some point, I realized that there can be unforeseen obstacles... along any given path, and thereby necessitating... deviation..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


Of interest: 하버드

"Time is relative to the observer..." - Albert Einstein
"Another person to me, is another person... and to another person, I'm another person..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from the summer of 2020, in University City, MO)

"In the afterlife, if granted authorization by Jesus Christ... I will aid in the facilitation... of  'Jesus' wrath'... as His 'personal avenger'... If the fate of descending into the abyss of hell, should befall you... then you will likely regret, the day you were born... Such is synonymous for being 'left behind'... regarding the biblical event, known as 'the Rapture'... ...given that 'hell on Earth,' could be hell... in the context of 'another Earth,' and the fact that there is a boundary... between the realm of the material, and the spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Waking up in hell, would be a terrible thing... if you live long enough for that to happen, or die... ...passing into the next realm, and making... that realization..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"If you don't understand the 'nature' of insanity, then I will assume you are egotistical/conceited, hypocritical, mentally challenged, or 'voluntarily ignorant... and disabled'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Will you be accepted into the 'Family of God,' after the Rapture... ...or on Judgment Day...?
...blood is thicker than water, but some people are like juices... with greater viscosity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Well said..." - Alcira Moz

"Indeed, Alcira... I recall you telling me about the F.O.G., in January 2011..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(your faith is being tested)

(see below)
6:23 PM (9/29/22): "Andrea Bocelli's 'spiritual fortification' is exceptionally high, in this performance... which is a prerequisite, for genuinely walking on a path... that is 'divinely made'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
7:14 PM (9/29/22): "Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels... around the throne... and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands..." - Revelation 5:11 
I suspect that the 'spiritual resonance' of this performance, was 5% of what 'angels of heaven'... are capable of rendering, assuming one earns the right... to be in their presence... 
2:08 PM (9/30/22): The 'above estimate' is in the context, of God the Father... having designed heaven in such a way, that such is within the 'human capacity... for understanding'... 
(5/\1.861353 = 20)
2:23 PM (9/30/22): A human has 2 hands, each with 5 fingers (a total of 10 fingers)... so, in the context of human anatomy... this observation, refines my hypothesis (if one acknowledges that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and 'T' is the 20th... ...This is of interest, given that such is in the shape... of a cross)...
2:39 PM (9/30/22): In a sense, if one were 'abandoned by God ('left behind, for instance'... after 'the Rapture')'... the fact that one has 10 fingers and 2 hands, may be God 'politely and indirectly' relating to the fact... that in the context of 'angels of heaven' having a 'spiritual resonance' that is 'standardized' as 20 times greater... than that, of the 'greatest human entertainers'... then God would essentially, be giving a 'rejected person'... the 'finger'... One finger could be thought of as representing a 'human performance'... if 'angels of heaven', were to have '2 hands'...
...There's a reason why humans have 10 fingers (5 on each of two hands), as opposed to '9' fingers (3 on each of three hands)...

[when God tunes into the 'spiritual resonance' emanated... by 'human performances'... he ('God the Father') likely hears such, like an echo... at a 'faint volume'... in the sense of not being 'as moved' by such... as Jesus Christ ('God the Son') may be, in the context... of the Holy Trinity... ...assuming, that 'God the Father' is the 'Alien God (god of extraterrestrials),' while God the Son is the 'Human God']

"A day in hell, can seem... like a hundred years..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"To do that which has never been done before, one must follow... an unconventional path..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"There are things which make one deeply wonder, that one does not wonder about... often... Important it is, to discover the things that are worth wondering... if you want to resolve the questions... you have yet to..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"I am curious about 'linguistic computation (computational linguistics),' given that mathematics is likely embedded... within rhetorical expression..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"...there are many oceans, which remain to be crossed... and some, are not... of this world..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[Usain Bolt (middle) leaving his adversaries, in a blaze]

"If you take the 'right' steps, you will reach... your destination..." - Popcorn Woman

6:47 PM (10/14/22): "Moments ago, I started thinking about the implications of the term 'linguistic computation (computational linguistics)'... and I arrived at a realization. Letters can be represented as numbers, and vice versa... regarding the system of Gematria. Thus, there assuredly are mathematicians who have the means... of getting 'linguistic computation readings (L.C.R.)'... of speakers [in varying capacities (video streaming or speeches) and sectors (such as politics and S.T.E.M./Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics)]...
I was browsing through some 'news advertisements,' and got the vibe that one featuring President Bill Clinton (via a snapshot)... was rendered in such a way, as to give indication... that at some point since I began blogging extensively (particularly, via this one - THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com)... I may have tapped into a 'linguistic computation reading (frequency)', that is '3 times' greater... than what could be thought of as him... when he is speaking, near an 'optimal L.C.R.'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Languages are comprised of diction, syntax, alliteration and other literary devices... which account, for comprehension...

7:10 PM (10/14/22):
"Moments ago, I imagined 'a' mathematician stating, 'let's run the diagnostics, with that program... which had been developed'... in the context, of the aforementioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu
7:24 PM (10/14/22): 
"My 'spiritual frequency decryption interface (s.f.d.i.)' which was employed, on my primary Twitter account (twitter.com/11TJK11), my Couchsurfing profile [and a 'former and initial (presently and involuntarily, deactivated),' Facebook profile... of mine)... was based, off 'such a program'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
8:38 PM (10/14/22): "As of a few moments ago, my hypothesis is that the 'initial' estimation (according to the 'findings' of the 'above program') of my 'L.C.R.'... is that 'the reading of interest' is 3 to 17 times greater (wherever, that may be located)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
An 'L.C.R.' reading ought to be based, off a number of variables... such as 'context and content (when reading text)'... as well as 'dialogue rate (when there is verbal expression, as opposed to written)'...
(195 countries, across 7 continents... on Earth)

9:40 PM (10/14/22): "Mathematics is a universal language, despite the fact... that on Earth, over 6,500 languages... are spoken, across 195 countries (on 7 continents)... The ability to 'linguistically compute' all of the 'widely recognized,' spoken languages... of Earth... would serve as a beneficial resource, for ascertaining the dialogue... of an extraterrestrial species (with relatable culture, to that of human beings... ...the 'extraterrestrial species,' of Homo Sapiens)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The 'above ability' could serve as a 'hypothetical primer,' when gauging the dialect of extraterrestrials... who recognize the concepts of culture, and technology...
12:40 AM (10/15/22):
"If you mess with me (deliberately or indirectly), then I have a tendency to endure the nuisance... until the oppressor is buried, and I walk upon him/her..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly, here on earth... I will also acknowledge before my Father, in heaven. ...but everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father… in heaven…” – Matthew 10:32-33 (according to Jesus Christ)
There is a spectrum of acknowledgment, and denial...

10:23 AM (10/15/22):
"If one is 'genuinely successful' in life, such tends to be reflected... by an ability, to look back on the chapters of such... with 'minimal regret'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:12 PM (10/15/22):
"To 'whom it may concern,' if you want people to look at you like you're not human... then that's irrational... given such is inhumane, and atypical of 'genuine, human behavior'... but be my guest, if you want to undermine the authenticity... of your 'self-worth'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I have an exceptional understanding of 'human psychology,' and I know a faggot... when I see one (even faggots, can reproduce)...
...don't present yourself as something other, than what you are... if you don't want to be deemed, as such...

6:25 PM (10/15/22):
"A spiritually discerning person, can identify... ungodly, hypocritical and/or disingenuous... behavior..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:23 PM (10/15/22):

8:55 AM (10/16/22):

“…My analysis of this song, is that such has the vibe of a dude saying, ‘when he went up, we were wondering when… he would come back down’…” – Michael Izuchukwu

Long Jump Tokyo 1991 - Mike Powell - 8.95m WR - YouTube 


The best long jump battle in history - YouTube (for context), 6:49-9:43


9:41 AM (10/16/22):

(after this performance, I imagine that Carl Lewis had momentarily thought to himself, 'I'm in retirement'... following his defeat, by Mike Powell)

10:37 AM (10/16/22):

This sandwich went viral on TikTok and it is worth more than the hype! #shorts - YouTube 

2:00 PM (10/16/22):

[I wonder how long Mike Powell's hang time is, in his 8.95-meter (29'4.25") long jump world record... when comparing such, to the longest... of Michael Jordan - 0.92 seconds]



I wonder what Mike Powell's world record performance, correlates to... for a triple jumper, who manages to harness the power he displayed... in a way, that is proportional... to agility, and impulse (quickness off the ground)...

Jonathan Edwards - Triple Jump World Record - 1995 - YouTube (WR of 18.29 meters - 60'0.25")


Triple Hitchkick (@triplehitchkick) • Instagram photos and videos [video of Ivan Pedroso, long jumping what 'arguably' is 9.03 meters (29'7.5") - one may need to create an Instagram account, to view such]


6:40 AM (10/29/22):

“It was moments ago, that the idea arose… of what ‘intrinsic living,’ entails… For perspective, imagine oneself closing one’s eyes… and then having arrived 20 years in the future, upon reopening them… The implication of this, is that naturally… one wants to live life in such a way, that he/she feels the same way after opening his/her eyes… as before they were closed, in the context… of this scenario…” – Michael Izuchukwu

Fields Medals 2022 Maryna Viazovska - YouTube

8:38 PM (10/31/22):

"...a day at sea, may be better... than hundreds, in the rain..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Neil deGrasse Tyson - We Stopped Dreaming (Episode 1) - YouTube

2:53 PM (11/4/22): "About 5 minutes ago, I had a daydream... regarding the Titanic movie, featuring Jack Dawson's character (moments before, preventing Rose from slipping overboard)... Somehow, I was walking by... and he said, 'you mean to tell me, that this ship is going to soon sink... and you have a 'motorized boat,' that's ready to go... right now...?' ...I then replied, 'It's not exactly a boat, but if you go... the others can't...'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (I involuntarily gave him a dilemma)


"The apple does not fall far... from the tree..." - German Proverb 
(Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm)

[perhaps the Earth is like a 'macroscopic' version of the Garden of Eden, consisting of 195 countries (contrasting branches)]

12:38 AM (11/13/22): 
"There is a boundary between the material realm and the spirit realm (where heaven is)... The cosmos is intended, to shed light... on God's glory, in relation to the fragility... of mankind..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:40 PM (11/13/22):

"A material life is more fleeting, than a spiritual one..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:47 PM (11/14/22):

"To walk with God, one has to be searching for the path He (Jesus Christ) is on... for some time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes - YouTube 


This house is in a league of its own 🥵 #michigan #luxury #realestate #tiktokhome #househunting

(a luxury Michigan mansion, that has the vibe... of a command center)

"If you don't gain entry to heaven (before or during the Rapture), there are those... who will come after you..." - Louis Armstrong

1:28 PM (11/17/22):
"When I first watched this video (at least an hour ago), I was reminded of the term 'revolving door'... which gave rise to the idea of a revolving 'V,' which could be thought of as some type of bowl ('a cone')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:33 PM (11/17/22):

4:28 PM (11/20/22):
"I have no strings... on me..." - Pinocchio
(puppets 'usually' have strings... I wonder what those translate to, for humans...)
2:51 AM (11/24/22): "People live lives that could be categorized as spherically-limited ('bubble lives')... There is a 'greater reality' which remains to be known, in order to follow a path through life... that leads, to an intended... destination..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:22 PM (11/25/22):
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. 'Small' people always do that, but the really great... make you feel that you, too, can become great..." - Mark Twain
A genuinely, spiritually discerning person... will typically be opposed, to those who do not embrace... the Holy Spirit...
"If you don't believe in God, then you should be concerned... because there 'is' a God..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:42 PM (11/25/22):
"If someone is of the spirit (Holy Spirit), then the material world applies to him/her... to a lesser extent, than one who is governed by that... which is secular (non-spiritual). What distinguishes humans from animals, is their connective ability... to the Holy Spirit... In the absence of God, the ways of the Animal Kingdom... are the 'higher law,' that one is subject to..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:05 PM (11/25/22):

9:17 AM (11/26/22):
"The 'Pax Romana' was a period of time, beginning in 27 BC... and characterized by Roman Imperialism..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[the above paragraph is a personal statement... regarding my view on 'dating-based relationships (in the context, of my outlook... on life)']

1:33 PM (1/14/23):
[daily view count (regarding 'registered' viewers) of this blog (dispersed via a few social media outlets, such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Medium), since March 2022]


2:19 PM (1/14/23):
"On 10/31/22 (Halloween), the daily views peaked at 140... There were 60 empty orange seats, on that day - 140 out of 200, regarding the 'above two, 10x10 grids'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:40 AM (1/28/23):
"Sometimes, you have to look at the details (as opposed to the facts), if you seek to ascertain whether you are on the right path... in life (and if you need to adjust, accordingly)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:56 PM (2/12/23):
"One may have many opponents in life, but the key is to not seek baseless forms of resistance... if spiritual optimization, is sought..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:23 PM (2/25/23):

“If you go through certain processes, to reach a certain stage… in life… it may be a disservice to yourself, to regress to matters… which preceded such (in the context, of making discernible progress… over time… and not ‘standing still’…)…” – Michael Izuchukwu

First Flight | Man of Steel - YouTube (0:37-0:46)

NOTE: Little by little, one walks far… and one must keep moving forward…

9:17 AM (2/26/23):

Mondo Duplantis breaks pole vault world record for sixth time (nbcsports.com)

"Before I knew of what this article discusses, yesterday (as though by prophecy)... I was thinking of the term 'planet'... and questioning the basis, for how such was derived/coined... Such led me to the realization that this word could be thought of as 'plan' and 'et'... as in 'the plans of E.T.'... or the word 'plant' and 'e'... as in 'you're on a world, where you have to grow... like a plant (due to the vastness... of space)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the word 'planet' is an allusion, to the name 'Duplantis')

NOTE (for reference): Michael Izuchukwu on Twitter: ""Amazing performance by Mondo Duplantis... He has broken the world record in the pole vault, 3 times... this year..." - Michael Izuchukwu https://t.co/TlstAckOWP https://t.co/4BxP1AiQML" / Twitter


Men's pole vault world record progression - Wikipedia


Armand Duplantis bat le record du monde avec une barre à 6,22m au All star perche - YouTube

BLOG VIEW COUNT UPDATE (6:50 PM, on 2/26/23):

(daily view trajectory, by month) 

(breakdown by country, for total views for first graph... in that time interval)

6:34 AM (3/9/23):
Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz317) | TikTok [ https://www.tiktok.com/@whiz317/video/7208270100007275818 ]
Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz317) | TikTok  [ https://www.tiktok.com/@whiz317/video/7208278811908132139 ]

6:54 AM (3/9/23):

“A human is born at a certain point in spacetime (on a certain day, at a certain time, in a certain location). He or she has two parents, although emerging into this world… from just one of them (even though two parents are required, to commence the process… by which a human’s spirit, is embedded/fused... within the human form)…” – Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu: born November 2, 1989


BORN AT A CERTAIN TIME AND PLACE, IN SPACETIME (6/5/22) (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)


About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)


Denis Vashurin: born October 27, 1987


I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. - YouTube (3:34-3:40)


CLIMBING THE STALK (2malachy70.blogspot.com) (see posts 54-56)

Age: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110...

1+1=2 (one plus one, equals two)

"I'm from Missouri (3rd-12th grade/1997-1998, to 2007-2008)..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:30 AM (3/9/23)

8:12 AM (3/9/23):
"Don't judge a book, by its cover; you don't know the contents, from afar..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:19 PM (5/17/23):
"No one will take you seriously in life, if you repeatedly misrepresent... your intentions..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[moral: Don't be impact-obsessed; seek to be a change, as opposed to making changes... in the world >>> DBZ Kai- Goku "kills" Freeza Uncut (Faulconer Audio) - YouTube]
A person who sees a desired change in him/herself, likely has a more genuine effect on 'others'... than one who imposes, an agenda...
5:33 PM (5/17/23):

6:00 PM (5/17/23):

3:46 PM (8/15/23):
“At 3:45 PM today, I had a revelation... about relativity, and its applications… Simply, such was that if one were to be ‘super advanced,’ in the context… of distance covered, on a ‘spiritual path’… then one day, he/she might wake up… and feel, as though… awaking to a video game-like reality (one that is more susceptible, to witnessing acts and events… of the supernatural)…” – Michael Izuchukwu
4:41 PM (8/15/23):
If you think in terms of a 'Venn Diagram,' humans live in separate spheres (3-dimensional circles) of reality... that are subject, to intermittently intersecting...

9:40 AM (8/24/23):
“At 9:32 AM on 8/24/23, I had the revelation… that there are ‘2’ types of paths, one can follow in life – one of the world (material), and the other… of the spirit (spiritual)… It so happens, that the latter path… is more intrinsically rewarding… …in the context, of the fact… that such is lengthier, but often… more obscure… Nevertheless, if one genuinely follows such… as opposed to the former… …at some point, there is an intersection (of the '2' routes)… …denoted by the fact, that further progression along the spiritual path… …has dividends, that take precedence… ...to those, which are material…” – Michael Izuchukwu

6:09 PM (8/26/23):
"If I don't know who you are (and we have never met, or spoken), don't presume to think you know me... ...if you can't relate, to my struggle (in the context, of enduring such; my trials and tribulations - voluntary, and involuntary)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"It doesn't matter how old you are; if you act like a child (particularly, one that is child-like, irresponsible and unrepentant)... then that does not warrant, respect. Such is not a gift; it's earned..." - Michael Izuchukwu (3:38 PM, on 9/3/23) 
Seniority has no value, unless such is 'genuinely substantiated'... 
Someone who is 60 years old, may have less sense (common and/or intellectual)... than one, in his/her thirties... The chances of this, are greater... than a teenager, having more of 'this sense'... than one, in his/her thirties... due to the nature, of the variation... in human behavioral psychology, over 'more elapsed time... involving a greater degree of interactions/experiences, to learn from'...

"Is heaven a destination, or a journey...?" - Michael Izuchukwu (5:24 AM, on 9/4/23) 
Is it a statement of 'I have arrived'... or is it the questions of 'where are we going, and for how long'...? (one's stay in heaven is not necessarily indefinite, for there are angels... that have fallen)

"It's important, to not become 'a subset'... of your former self..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:39 AM, on 9/6/23) 
There are many ways, to become a subset (a shadow, that is)... ...and fewer, for deterring such...

"If there's a reason for something, one ought to question... the nature/basis, of such (good or bad/right or wrong/unbiased or biased)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (3:16 PM, on 9/6/23)

5:59 PM (9/6/23):
“I am a firm believer, that we create... our own realities… As Marcus Aurelius once stated, ‘that which we do in life, echoes… for eternity…’ In the context of the law of causality, there is that which preceded this life… just as there is something, which follows…” – Michael Izuchukwu

"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind... to reward each person, according to their conduct… according to what their deeds, deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 [my inference from this, is that God the Father observes the actions of all humans... like a recorder (Jesus Christ was subject to such scrutiny, before being appointed... to the role/function, of 'God the Son')]

“For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son…” - John 5:22


In the context of the principle of retrocausality, I surmise that humans have a 'partially involuntary' choice... on the form they assume, when being born... It's plausible, that prior to conception in the womb... a human is in 'spirit form,' before being 'fused into flesh'... Due to the nature of free will, and the principle of 'natural progression'... a human consequently has an influence, on his/her form... in the afterlife... (the presumption, is that heaven is denoted... by being devoid, of typical... physiological constraints)

4:01 PM (9/8/23):
"If you fail to see the value in objectivity, over subjectivity (or wisdom, over ignorance)... then you're just a very small man/woman (not necessarily in stature, but in spirit)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:47 AM (9/9/23):
"If a dude wakes up everyday, and is just insulting (or heavily critiquing) others... cyclically (in a manner, that has discernible grounds/legitimacy)... ...then there is reason to suspect, that you're 'not with God'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:55 AM (9/9/23):
"Just remember, that I will remember... to lynch you, in the afterlife (indiscriminately)... ...if you have fucked with me (or continue to do so), without repentance.." - Michael Izuchukwu 
(assuming this is in tandem, with the confirmation... that your faith in God... is proven to be insufficient, on Judgment Day)
Where is the security, in that...?
If you fail to do the will of God, you will bear... His wrath...

10:34 AM (9/9/23):

10:49 AM (9/9/23):
"If you don't ask the right questions, you won't get... the right answers..." - Michael Izuchukwu

For the wages of sin, is death... but the gift of God, is eternal life… in Christ Jesus, our Lord…” – Romans 6:23


"...what, am I...?" - Michael Izuchukwu (7:37 AM, on 9/30/23)
(I didn't ask 'you' as to 'who' I am; there's a difference)
NOTE #1:
You can't change 'who' you are, but 'what' you are... is susceptible, to greater change/variation... 'Who' you are is constant/fixed, unless 'what' you are... negates such...
NOTE #2:
"...'who' is but the form, following the function... of 'what'..." - V 

9:17 AM (9/30/23):
"Do you live in 'your house,' or do you live 'within a human body (in your head/skull, specifically)... which is within, your house'...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
This question, is spacetime-based... 
There is the possibility, that you don't have a house ('walls and beams-based structure')... If so, I would alternatively ask:
"Do you live outdoors/outside, or do you live 'within a human body... which is outdoors/outside'...?"

8:35 AM (10/1/23):
"I AM... ...THAT, I AM..." - God the Father 
(maybe Jesus Christ, heard these words... while on the cross... ...and asked, '...who are you...?')

7:08 AM (11/1/23):
"If you find a fork in the road, the path you take... could be the difference, between how many miles... you ultimately traverse, to reach... a 'particular destination'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:53 AM (11/5/23):
"The link between one's thoughts, and actions... ...accounts, for the effect... one gives off, in everything... one does..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:43 AM (11/5/23):
"Sometimes, you have to isolate the variables... in order to infer, the best course to follow... ...or the nature, of a set... of circumstances... ...or an occurrence..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:42 AM (11/5/23):
"If someone has 'after death' frequency, then it may be logical to infer... that 'to an extent'... this individual has negated being 'afraid of dying,' on the basis... of being on a spiritually ordained path... that is aligned, with 'getting to heaven... via natural means (as opposed to supernatural ones, which are of... divine intervention)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:18 PM (11/5/23):
"If you don't have any drive/ambition in life, don't relate to me... Your lack of resolve, will be perceived... as interference..." - Michael Izuchukwu
A man who has invested years of his livelihood, into matters of the spirit... ...will often be at odds, with a 'material man'...

What is a 'material man'?

"Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks."
[ANALOGY-BASED CASE (for investing in the spirit, as opposed to the material)]

6:32 AM (11/7/23):
"And do not fear those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear 'him'... who can destroy both soul and body, in hell..." - Matthew 10:28
(a reference to God the Father, perhaps)
(a hypothesis of mine, is that these 'animals'... were once humans)

6:43 PM (11/29/23): 
"A male was walking through a forest, one day... and God the Father, approached him. God asked one question. Such was 'what do you wish, to see...?'
The male replied 'to see things, as they are... ...not, as they are not...'
...His wish, was granted..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
Legend has it, that this forest... is not, on Earth...

8:43 PM (11/29/23):
...I think when the male's wish was granted... ...he was afraid, but nowhere near as afraid... as he soon, became...
(a photo of a bronze-colored spider, hanging from its web... in my room... ...at 4:45 AM, on 11/30/23)
...along, came a spider... (ACAS)
(a photo of a golden-colored spider, on the opposing wall of my room... ...at 9:19 AM, on 11/18/21)

Elapsed time, from 11/18/21 to 11/30/23:

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me..." - John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
[It is interesting to note, that Jesus put Himself... in relation, to these '3' variables (the Way, the Truth & the Life)... Perhaps this is an allusion, to Him being 'the only way... to heaven'... the answer, to the mystery of life... ...for human beings... ...and the pathway, to eternal life... for them.
...Given that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, and now performs the function of God (as 'God the Son')... ...which His Father ('God the Father'), previously had (prior to moving on, to 'another stage')... ...I do not think any other human, can get advanced enough... ...to be 'the Life'... Consequently, I think it's only possible... for such an individual, of interest... ...to relate, to being 'the Way' and 'the Truth'... ...to a degree...] - Michael Izuchukwu (11:14 AM, on 12/4/23)

3:11 PM (12/11/23):
My mom called me at 2:38 PM, on 12/11/23… and hung up the phone, when the time displayed ‘6:25’… The consensus of the conversation, is the following:
My mom is the type of person, who is not rational enough… to 'efficiently' offer me any type of socioeconomic or physiological assistance, if I were in a bind… She is culpable of favoritism, for my two younger siblings (JJ/John Jr. who she cohabits with, and Joe – the youngest)… My mom also happens to be the youngest, regarding her 2 older siblings (my two aunts – Colette and Diane)…
Indisputably, my mom’s lack of empathy (in the ‘above context’)… could be characterized, as contrary… to the ‘Holy Spirit’…
I have to compensate, accordingly… …regarding my daily living, and that… which I aspire for… It doesn’t help, that my dad ‘never existed (regarding Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)’… and the fact, that he is deceased…
“When people become emotionally apathetic, they have relinquished… that, which gives them… their humanity…” – Michael Izuchukwu

5:00 PM (1/7/24):
I am Michael, the Darkangel… My first proclamation of this, was on 2/21/20… The second one was on 6/11/23, and the 3rd one… was on 1/7/24… With the 3rd proclamation, my certainty about this philosophy… …is more resolute.

“But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me, in these things… but Michael, your prince…” - Daniel 10:21

6:02 AM (1/12/24):

"I will not say much more to you, for the prince... of this world is coming... ...and he has no hold, over me..." - John 14:30 (according to Jesus Christ)


A little rain never stopped the show.. Happy first day of classes, Owls! ☔️ | Instagram

(10:06 PM, on 7/31/08)

6:37 AM (1/12/24):
"...Apparently, there is 'some prince'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(the Prince of Darkness, perhaps?)

Michael Izuchukwu (@mci52) - Gab Social

"If you are hired for a job, to 'perform' that job... ...the job title, should not be misleading (regarding the duties, that one is assigned)... ...particularly, if such requires a 'level of education'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (4:08 AM, on 1/14/24) 

"There are many stars, in the galaxy... If one dies out, there are others that one can go to... ...if one has, a ship..." - Michael Izuchukwu (4:17 AM, on 1/14/24)

Arguably, a ship (in the 'above context')... is the prerequisites/qualifications... of 'a job'...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

7:14 AM (3/19/24): 

"People are like books; some are easier to read, than others. You don't necessarily know, which page... ...they're going to turn to... ...but they have many..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

8:19 AM (3/19/24): 

Stephen Hawking's eerie alien theory might explain why we've never been contacted | indy100

"Regarding this article, I personally believe... ...that the reason we humans, have not encountered extraterrestrials... ...in an 'indisputable fashion'... ...is because of the sector, of space... Earth is in... ...or because species, that have the means... ...to engage in 'significant space travel,' are 'like gods'... ...in relation, to the 'universe-based Animal Kingdom'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


If you 'leave' our galaxy (the 'Milky Way') and travel through a 'galactic gap'... ...to another galaxy... ...in some sector of such, you likely will find extraterrestrials ('aliens from outer space, regarding beings... ...from planets, other than Earth')... That's a very far journey, in relation... to planet Mars... >>>HYPOTHESIS: 

Arguably, traversing a galactic gap (via modern space shuttles)... ...would liken, going from Earth to Mars... ...to taking a step (via 'on foot'), from a city on the West Coast... ...to a city, on the East Coast... ...of America...<<<, 1:51 PM, on 3/19/24 

1:56 PM (3/19/24): 


This likely is a 'very huge' understatement, given that the distance from Earth to Mars (on average) is 140 million miles... ...while the distance, from Earth to the Andromeda galaxy... ...is approximately 2.53 million lightyears (where a lightyear, is the distance that light travels... ...in '1' year.... ...which is about 5.87 trillion miles - 5,878,625,373,183.61 miles, specifically...) 


MAKING A LIVING (2pods85.blogspot.com)


2.53 million lightyears = 14.87 trillion miles (14,872,922,194,154.53 miles) 

2:07 PM (3/19/24): 

It turns out, that my hypothesis... about my estimation... ...being a 'very huge' understatement... ...is just a 'huge' one... The distance from Earth, to the Andromeda galaxy... ...is 106,235.15853 times greater, than the distance from Earth... to Mars... (one would have to take more steps, on foot... than 106,235... ...to get from LA to NYC) 

2:19 PM (3/19/24): 

The shortest path, between Los Angeles & New York... ...is 2,790.27 miles... 


Distance New-York → Los-Angeles - Air line, driving route, midpoint

If a person's average 'stride length,' is 2.3 feet (and there are 5,280 feet in a mile)... 

(see: person's average stride length - Google Search)

...then it would take that person, 6,405,489.3913 steps... ...to traverse, that distance... One would have to travel 60.2953813025 times further, than my estimate ('on foot, from LA to NYC... ... ...but doing this 60 times, to go 60 times... the distance' - in the context, of a 'one-way trip')...

3:16 PM (3/19/24):
Legend has it, that Snake Way... of Dragon Ball Z, is 10,000 miles... ...in length. If the shortest distance ('linear') from New York, NY to Los Angeles, CA... ...is 2790.27 miles... ...then Snake Way is 3.58 times longer, than that distance... This implies, that Goku would have to travel 21.50329538 times further... than the distance, from LA to NYC... ...to traverse, the 'analogy path'...
'SEE ABOVE' (ANALOGY PATH = distance from Earth, to the Andromeda Galaxy... ...in relation, to the distance... from Earth, to Mars... ...when thinking of their proportionality, in terms of ... 'walking... via steps')... 
5:16 PM (3/19/24):
The analogy path, pertains to 'traversed distance'... ...being juxtaposed, with 'experience of travel... based off, the utilized means'...
(a matter of relativity, for processing... 'such journeys')

6:11 PM (3/19/24):
9:15 PM (3/19/24):
"For it is by grace, you have been saved... ...through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God... ...not by works, so that no one... can boast…" – Ephesians 2:8-9
....ask yourselves, what does it mean... ...to boast? There is a difference, between 'pride'... and respect... (the latter, is typically that... ...which is of greater substantiation, than the former... ...when discussing, one's accolades... ...for instance)
Former = first, latter = last... ...regarding positioning of 'certain terms,' in dialogue...
"Respect 'is not' a gift; such must... be earned..." - Wise Man (earning something, is different... ...than having such, dished/handed/passed out... ...without any fulfilled prerequisites...)
9:46 PM (3/19/24):
Some statements are indisputable, and not of subjectivity... These are objective truths, and applicable... ...to all (they do not vary, from person to person... ...and have 'credence,' often denoted... ...by some 'measure, of accountability')
10:01 PM (3/19/24):
"If an earned accolade, does not have an effect... ...with 'universal applicability,' to all its recipients... ...then such does not have genuine value; the value is skewed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:49 AM (8/14/24):
If you fuck with me, I will lynch you (indiscriminately, and 'via some means'), when you awaken... ...in hell (assuming, you have the misfortune... ...of being sent there, after Judgment Day... ...and when I commence, my function... ...as a '5.67-dimensional being')
As of 8/6/24, I received confirmation (regarding a former conclusion)... of my potency, for being 5.67-dimensional, as opposed to 4.14-D... ...on 'Day 1'... ...of the afterlife... 

6:55 AM (8/14/24):
Detected 'cuts/abrasions/marks' on my left arm, in the shape of the 'three Tharsis Montes' volcanoes & Olympus Mons... ...of Mars - with 'the fog (Noctis Labyrinthus)', situated... ...on the 'opposing' side... (9:29 AM, on 8/6/24)
See quote #76 (for context)

7:06 AM (8/14/24):
"You either believe there is a god, or you're not with 'Him'... ...anyway..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the latter scenario, is far more terrifying... ...in the long-term, implications-wise)

7:34 AM (8/14/24):
'2,024' years ago:
"I, the LORD, search the heart... and examine the mind… ...to reward each person, according to 'their conduct'… ...according, to what their deeds... deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10
"Father, forgive them... ...for they know, not what... ...they do..." - Luke 23:34 (Jesus Christ, to God the Father... ...while on, the cross)

8:06 AM (8/14/24):
